Paynal © 2008
Dumb Public US
(2009-07-15 at 07:38:49 )
Today, Tuesday July 14, 2009 I took a Staten Island bus to the St. George
ferry terminal and I was able to walk down ramp " D " because there was
not a mob of people at the bottom of the ramp smoking their cigarettes.
At the bottom of the ramp, around 11:45AM, there was man bent over with
his face atop the railing. I bought my newspaper and the man was still in
the same position so I went into the ferry terminal waiting room and
knocked on the locked door to the police room.
A female officer came to the door and I told her about the man doubled
over at the bottom of ramp " D ". She said that she would be out in a
minute so I went to the waiting room doors and kept an eye on the man in
distress while I waited for the Police Officer to show up.
Eventually she came out with a male officer a few steps behing her. On
her way to the man she turned around and said " He just had his fix "!!
Evidently the officer is familiar with the bent over man and knows that
he is a user of Heroin. The tone of her voice suggested to me that now
that I am aware that this man, whose face I never saw, is a Heroin user
I should not be bothering the New York City Police Department when this
man is " Nodding Out " within the ferry terminal!!
I left the scene and went and sat on the train waiting for it to leave
the station. While I sat reading my newspaper I wondered where in the St.
George Ferry terminal someone could procure Heroin and then inject the
Heroin into their body.
I figure the man must have used one of the stalls in the Mens Room to
inject his Heroin. Evidently the 120th Police Precinct looks the other
way at more than people smoking right under the " No Smoking " signs.
Around 1:04PM route # 79 bus 6301 came to the bus stop under the station
at Eltingville. The driver made no attempt at all to pull the bus over to
the curb. I believe that if the light had been green he would have drove
the bus right past all of the people waiting in the bus stop with me.
When I paid my fare I told the driver that he needed re-instruction on
how to pull the bus over to the curb. He started screaming at me about
" My Bullshit " and I went to the back of the bus and noted the time and
the bus number.
Bus drivers are supposed to pull their buses over to the curb to pick up
and discharge passengers. Bus drivers should not be screaming obscenities
at disabled senior citizens. Bus drivers should not be treating the New
York public like so much dirt!!
When the bus got to the Yukon bus depot at the Staten Island Mall the
driver swung off and emphatically gave me his middle finger as the bus
drove passed him. Whoever Hired Him Needs To Be Fired ASAP!!
A typical New York government employee; he was just as arrogant and just
as belligerent and just as contemptable as the pols in Albany or the Bozos
within Staten Island Borough Hall or the Sleezeballs occupying New York
City Hall!!
We Continue to Put Up With It Year After Year Afer Year!! Dumb Public US!!
No Wonder The Payroll Patriots Keep Crapping On Us Year After Year;
Evidently We Are Much Too Weak To Ever Do Anything About It
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