Platinum Public Service In New York City
(2009-09-13 at 15:02:38 )

When I moved to the New Brighton section of Staten Island in the later
part of September 2000; I had to get used to the new MTA bus routes that
I would have to use for transportation.

Many years ago I drove a public bus in another state so I am familiar
with what the job entails. I know a good bus driver when I see one; and
I know a bad bus driver when I ride in the bus that they are driving.

One of the Absolute Best Bus Drivers that works for the MTA is Mr. Jack
Torres. I was so impressed with the Class and Dignity that he brought to
his job that I sent a certified letter to the Board of Directors of the
MTA about the Excellent Job Mr. Torres performed each and every day.

One day I got on a bus Mr. Torres was driving and he informed me that his
superiors had received my letter and so notified Mr. Torres of that fact.

Mr. Torres and I are not friends; but we respect each other as decent
human beings in a city where " Public Servants " and the general public
have a " wall of contempt " between them.

When I get onto any MTA bus I pay my fare and expect the bus operator to
pull the bus over to the curb because I am a disabled senior citizen that
uses a cane.

Please and Thank You are just words but they really mean something to
every human being when they are uttered with respect and no other

Whenever anyone gets on a bus that Mr. Torres is driving they can expect
the following:

Mr. Torres always pulls his bus over to the curb for Everybody!
Mr. Torres always makes announcements during his bus route!
Mr. Torres always shows courtesy; even when he is being disrespected!
Mr. Torres always drives his bus on schedule!
Mr. Torres always converses politely with any passenger that gets onto
his bus seeking information!

It would really be a Truly Great Thing if All MTA Bus Drivers performed
their duties the way that Mr. Jack Torres does each and every day!

Mr. Jack Torres is Indeed one of the Platinum People of Paynal!!