Paynal © 2008
Two Charley!! Two Damn Charley!!
(2009-10-02 at 15:39:40 )
Two Charley!! Two Charley!! Two Charley!! Two Damn Charley!!
I have resided within my New Brighton apartment for the last nine years.
New Brighton is a section of Staten Island which is a part of New York
City. Staten Island is the southernmost part of the State of New York!!
Some of the residents of my building will be out on the town celebrating
tonight because their Very Long Torturous Ordeal Is Finally At Last Over.
Some of the residents of my building are wondering if a " turning point "
has just occured with the EVICTION of the loony tenants of Two Charley!!
I know that an awful lot of Police Officers stationed at the 120th Police
Precinct on Staten Island are Glad as can be that the violent, substance-
abusing clan has Finally Vacated Two Charley!!
Over the past nine years I have met a lot of the Police Force upon Staten
Island as they have had to come to this apartment building because of the
FORMER tenants of apartment Two Damn Charley.
As I write this I would bet that high fives are being given as the police
officers tell their individual tales of having to go to Two Charley for
any number of reasons numerous times.
What Reasons??
To Serve a Warrant!
To Stop a Fight!
To Stop the Loud Music!
To Stop Spousal Abuse!
To Investigate Robberies!
To Investigate Fraud!
To Report A Son Being Shot To Death!
I wonder just how long it is going to take my ears, and my nerves, to get
used to the second floor hallway being so quiet.
No More Screaming!
No More Fights!
No More Alcoholics Past Out!
No More Marijuana Being Smoked!
No More Screaming Children Running Up And Down The Hallway!!
They Have Moved Out Of This Apartment Building; But Their Sad, Horrible
Effects Are Sure To Linger Here For Quite A While!!
I just opened my apartment door and there is silence out there; sweet,
sweet silence!! Praise The Lord!! Praise The Lord!!
That is just so Unbelievable!! At 4:30PM, on a Friday Afternoon in this
" Zoo York Wild Knigdom Building "; the second floor is SILENT!!!