Fort Hood Mystery by Michael Gaddy
(2009-11-09 at 20:16:04 )

Fort Hood Mystery by Michael Gaddy

The facts as presented by the Army and the media reference the shooting
at Fort Hood just do not compute. While I routinely dismiss any Facts
disseminated by the Army and the states propaganda wing, sometimes
referred to as the mainstream media, there are some glaring
inconsistencies in what has been reported about this tragedy.

First is the report the perpetrator was dead and then hours later the
revelation that he was still alive. Exactly how long does it take to
determine if a person is dead or alive? Could it be no one knew whom the
shooter or shooters were and a story had to be concocted for public

What happened to the two other suspects that were detained? What did they
do to qualify as suspects and more importantly, what information surfaced
that led to their release? One of the suspects reportedly stated that he
was with the shooter.

Second is the number of victims from a single shooter. Let us not forget
this shooting did not occur at the mall, it occurred on a military
installation where the victims had been trained in military tactics and
some were combat veterans. We are to believe they did nothing to stop a
single shooter and he was allowed to reload several times and continue
shooting and the only thing that stopped him was the arrival of a police
officer after the gunman had gunned down over 40 people?

And how so very convenient for the state, a perpetrator who was both anti
war and a Muslim; it just does not get any better than that. Could this
be an example of following the philosophy of Rahm Emanuel on dealing
with a crisis?

Third was the shutting down of communications in and around Ft. Hood for
hours. While the Army and the media will explain this in various
scenarios, it also provided the Army with a chance to create whatever
story it was they wanted to provide the public on the terrible tragedy.

Of course we all know the Army would never distort or lie about the facts
involving the deaths of innocents. Well, there is that My Lai thing.
People on the ground have told me cell phone towers were jammed to
prevent unauthorized dissemination of information after the shooting.
Again, the Army would not want any information contrary to the company
line emerging from this disaster.

All too convenient for the Army was the rapid release of negative
information related to the alleged shooter. It was said he received a
negative evaluation report and that he had caused red flags to be raised
some months ago concerning emails. Do we know anything this detailed
about the two suspects who were released? The caveat was added that it
was unclear as to whether the suspect was the author of those emails. So,
months ago, alarms were raised about emails the suspect might have sent,
yet, in all those months the Army has been unable to determine who wrote
them. Yeah, right. If red flags were in fact raised months ago, why did
the Army do nothing?

Going back to the 9/11 paradigm, we see the same evidence exhibited: the
state had prior warnings but did not act on them. This proves
unequivocally the government is either incompetent or complicit in both
events. Yet, the state would have us all unarmed and depending on them
for protection.

President Obama pledged, to get answers to every single question about
this event - but he also promised an end to signing statements, a
transparent government, no more torture of detainees, and many more lies.

There has been speculation on the Internet that the shooting could have
been a revolt against the Army from soldiers faced with stop-loss and
multiple combat tours to Iraq and Afghanistan. While there is no evidence
to support this theory, there is also no evidence to support the official
Army version of events. Suicides among military personnel and veterans
are at alarming levels, yet the Department of Defense does more to hide
these facts than it does to deal with them.

The last thing the state can let happen is an awakening by its
enforcement arms, military and LE, that they are nothing but tools of
oppression and in fact, slaves to the monster they serve. While the
military is trained and encouraged to kill and bomb in the name of the
state, they are forbidden the means of protection for themselves and
their loved ones once they are outside the killing zones designated by
the state.

All is not normal inside the military community. This is not just seen in
our military, instruments of oppression in other countries are revolting
as well.

While it is doubtful we will ever learn the truth of exactly what
happened at Fort Hood, we know with a degree of certainty the truth will
never be revealed by the Army or the media. Could this have been a false
flag event to divert the attention of the American public from the debates
and planned demonstrations against the health care fiasco? Could it have
simply been another MK Ultra event to further demonize the anti-war
element in this country and to lay another crime at the feet of the
current villain du jour: Muslims? Could there be a connection between
this alleged shooter and his fellow Virginia Tech shooter Seung Hui Cho,
other than an oblique reference to Cho having a Muslim influence?

One must always ask this question when faced with a story that is issued
and controlled by the State: Cui Bono? Wonderful, is it not, the state is
empowered with the unique ability to investigate its own lies and the
power of the media and academia to demonize any who would question its
veracity, and the support of Boobus, whose livelihood depends on the
states power to redistribute the wealth of the nation from producers to

November 9, 2009

Michael Gaddy, an Army veteran of Vietnam, Grenada, and Beirut, lives in
the Four Corners area of the American Southwest.

Copyright © 2009 by Permission to reprint in whole or
in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.