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The Elephants In The Room iIn Sri Lanka By Jacob G. Hornberger !!!
(2019-04-24 at 16:25:59 )
The Elephants in the Room in Sri Lanka by Jacob G. Hornberger
Focusing on the medias use of the term "Easter worshippers" instead of the more normal term "Christians" to describe the victims of the terrorist attack in Sri Lanka, United States of American Christians, not surprisingly, are failing to see the many big elephants in the room: The United States governments invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan more than 15 years ago, its forever wars in both countries, its regime-change operations in Syria and Libya, its perpetual "war on terrorism," and its ongoing program of assassination in the Middle East.
Another elephant in the room that might be worth mentioning is the United States governments decades-long war on immigrants, which, in some ways, is closely aligned with its perpetual "war on terrorism."
After all, let us state the obvious: Of the countless people who the United States government has killed in the Middle East since the Persian Gulf intervention in 1991, including the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children from the sanctions on Iraq, many, if not most, of the victims have been Muslims.
Why is that important????
Because as we here at Future of Freedom Foundation have been stating since even before the 9-11-01 attacks, the result of this type of foreign policy is likely to be retaliation or, as the noted analyst Chalmers Johnson titled his remarkable pre-9-11-01 book, "blowback."
That is what happens when a government goes abroad and kills countless people, especially innocent people.
People who lose fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, or other relatives, friends, or countrymen tend to get angry.
Some of them hold it in and go on with their lives. Others are unable to do so. They decide to retaliate even if it means surrendering their own lives in a suicide attack against more innocent people.
Ever since the 9-11-01 attacks, all too many United States of Americans, especially conservatives and Christians, have not wanted to think about that.
From the day of those attacks, they convinced themselves, in large part because they embraced the official propaganda being issued by the United States government, that the "terrorists" had attacked the United States of America because they just hated our “"freedom and values."
Then, after United States officials used the attacks as the excuse for regime-change invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the mindset morphed into a religious war between Christianity and Islam.
The notion was that the Muslims, which became the same as the "terrorists," were coming to get us as part of a centuries-old quest to establish a worldwide caliphate.
The fear of being forced to study the Koran and embrace Sharia law became predominate in the minds of many Americans, especially conservatives and Christians.
It was all a crock, and it still is. It is all designed to avoid confronting United States foreign policy, which consists of empire, interventionism, assassination, torture, indefinite detention, invasions, occupations, wars of aggression, kidnapping, rendition, military tribunals, and other totalitarian-like, dark-side programs and policies.
Consider the terrorist attack in Sri Lanka.
United States officials, many American Christians, and the United States mainstream press are making it look like the attacks are part of the supposed Muslim holy war against Christianity.
Yet, the evidence points in the direction of ISIS-inspired terrorism and retaliation for the terrorist attack on mosques in New Zealand.
Why is that important????
ISIS is the group that the United States invasion, occupation, and war of aggression against Iraq brought into existence.
Remember: ISIS did not exist before President George W. Bush launched his regime-change invasion of Iraq.
It only came into existence after the United States government succeeded in conquering the country. The creation of the group was a response to what the United States government did to Iraq and what it did in Iraq.
Keep in mind also the very important fact that Iraq had never attacked the United States or even threatened to do so.
President Bushs invasion was a clear-cut war of aggression, one designed to remove Saddam Hussein from power, a goal that the decade-long brutal and deadly United States sanctions had failed to achieve.
The 9-11-01 attacks, and the deep fear they engendered in the United States of American people, gave President Bush and his interventionist cohorts the opportunity to achieve by invasion what their sanctions had failed to achieve - regime change.
Think about how many innocent Iraqis, including Muslims, they killed in the process of that multi-year regime-change operation.
Moreover, how many times have we heard United States officials referring to immigrants, including Muslim immigrants, as "invaders?"
Do n’ot forget the severe immigration controls imposed on Muslim countries after the 9-11-01 attacks because of the supposed danger that such immigrants could consist of Muslim terrorists who were infiltrating our country to prepare the ground for the worldwide caliphate to take over our nation and teach Sharia law in the public schools.
It is precisely that mindset that led the terrorist in New Zealand to attack those mosques and kill all those innocent Muslims. But in his warped mind, those victims were not innocent at all. To him, those Muslims were "invaders" who were trying to take over New Zealand and the rest of the Christian world.
Thus, connect the dots: Invasions, occupations, bombings, killings, sanctions, embargoes, death, destruction, torture, assassinations, the perpetual war on terrorism, and the war on immigrants - all leading to the deaths of innocent Muslims in the Middle East and New Zealand - which then leads to the deaths of innocent people in Sri Lanka.
It is a never-ending process!!!
In fact, do not be surprised to see interventionists calling for an ever-greater "crackdown" on the "terrorists" and the "radical Muslims" in the wake of the Sri Lanka attack.
And then do not be surprised at even more "blowback." The violence will just continue indefinitely.
Meanwhile, United States of Americans continue to lose their liberties and privacy at the hands of their own government, as the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency continue to take measures to keep us "safe" from the dangers that their policies create.
Why will United States of American Christians not focus on the root cause of the problem - United States interventionism, militarism, and empire - and devote themselves to restoring the United States of Americas founding foreign policy of non-interventionism and its founding governmental structure of a limited-government republic??
Because many American Christians have come to have two gods in their lives - the real God - the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - and the other god consisting of three entities in one - the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency.
They have made the national-security state their everything.
They will never admit it but they worship it, they adore it, they love it.
Just watch their faces at major sporting events when they are asked to stand up and glorify it. You will see tears in their eyes as they stand and glorify their co-god.
They can not wait to thank it for its "service" in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and elsewhere, notwithstanding the fact that such "service" consisting of killing ever-more people, including Muslims, which then produces the "blowback" that kills even more innocent people.
And Heaven forbid that any libertarian place responsibility for all this death, destruction, and mayhem on their co-god.
Ever since the 9-11-01 attacks, they have been prepared to unleash a barrage of hell on anyone who dares to lay responsibility for death and destruction on their co-god.
The truth is just not what pro-empire, pro-intervention, pro-national-security state Christians want to hear.
Printed here with permission from Mr. Jacob G. Hornberger of The Future of Freedom Foundation!! Their Great Website!!