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Wikileaks: Will the Truth Make Us Free Again? By Ron Holland
(2011-01-01 at 18:32:19 )
Wikileaks: Will the Truth Make Us Free Again? By Ron Holland
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"
John 8:32
Although these leaks are a first step toward controlling Washington
foreign policy, they do show how incremental actions providing open
information can counter the Anglo-American foreign and domestic policies
which have brought the world right to the edge of another Middle
East war.
I join with real conservatives not the false neocon war advocates hoping
these leaks do not threaten our troops or necessary intelligence
operatives. Still Americans must understand it is Washington and
economic interests that have actually placed our troops at risks in
foreign military wars and occupations not in the real interests of the
United States, the nations invaded or civilians killed.
Telling The Truth Hurts Only Political Elites
Of course politicians and political hacks around the world are up in
arms about this. Voters and the public must never be told the truth
about elite foreign policy, political, financial or bailout actions or
else they might say no to the taxes, national debt and deficits or
wealth confiscation required to pay for the policies.
Baroin, the spokesman for France said, "Authority and democratic
sovereignty are threatened by such practices," and GOP Representative
Peter King described getting the truth out to the public as "terrorism."
Why Not Expand the Wikileaks Strategy To All Establishment Institutions
Wikileaks is doing Americans and citizens of other countries a real
favor in showing the diplomatic intrigues and outright secrets of
politicians and governments around the world acting without any
accountability to their citizens. But why only tell the truth and
create accountability with American foreign policy when our Federal
Reserve, Congress and Wall Street elites have already created more
economic wealth destruction during the last couple of years than
occurred during World War Two?
The Truth Will Make You Free
There must be tens of thousands of productive, patriotic Americans
working in many areas of government, Wall Street and banking and the
many public and semi-private regulatory agencies out of the millions
employed. Some are certainly brave enough, sorry for their past behavior
or mad enough at parasitic upper level bureaucrats to want to bring the
truth and dirty laundry out to the American public. Imagine the impact
on power hungry political appointees, the bailed out banking elites
and out of control bureaucracies if they began to fear the truth of
their misdeeds could suddenly be leaked to the public on the internet.
Charles Caleb Colton described "Imitation as the sincerest form of
flattery and I hope freedom loving Americans and others outside the
US will imitate the truth telling of Wikileaks "in a legal manner"
and create a number of "Freedomleaks" websites designed to promote
the misdeeds of all establishment institutions out to the public and
the world.
It is time to open the closed doors of misinformation and lies from
institutions ranging from the Social Security Administration, the
Federal Reserve, Treasury and Fort Knox to Wall Street and the global
banking establishment. From TSA and Homeland Security to wasteful
spending and corruption at all levels of government and special
interests like big oil, big pharma, the military industrial complex
and the agricultural and food cartels which threaten the health
of Americans.
Those of you inside these institutions know the truth and millions
want to hear your stories and allegations. Help free America, the
European Union and other nations and peoples from elites who have done
so much to confiscate our wealth and limit our freedoms.
There is a world out there clamoring for truth, freedom and wanting to
know how to peacefully resist those elites who would continue to rule
over us, legislate, regulate and go to war for economic profits and
power without our consent. I am sure the internet and the free market
of ideas will prevail and if you will build the websites and blogs
calling on patriots to tell the world what they know inside their
government institutions and monopoly interests, surely emails and
files of information will follow.
I believe Saint John was right and the truth will make us free. Who
will step up to the plate and create the first targeted website on a
specific institution or organization? Who inside these organizations
will follow the admonition of John 8:32 and be the first share the
truth and begin the long process to make us a free nation and a free
people again?
November 30, 2010
Ron Holland is a contributing editor to the Swiss Mountain Vision
Newsletter and Freedom Matters published by Appenzeller Business Press.
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