100% Of Voters For Doctor Ron Paul!!
(2012-04-27 at 19:20:54 )

100% Of Voters For Ron Paul!!

I live in an election district on The North Shore of Staten Island where
the Democrats by far outnumber everyone else!! On Tuesday April 24, 2012
the State of New York held its Republican Presidential Primary Election.

My Election District 030 Assembly District 61 Voted 100% for Texas
Congressman Doctor Ron Paul And Ignored The Party Line For Mitt Romney!!

New York Is Famous The World Over For Finding Innovative Ways To Throw
Away The Public Money Collected In Taxes!! So The 8 Or 9 Poll Workers
And The Police Off icers Worked From 5:30AM Till 9:00PM For The Collection

So Now I Know That There Is At Least One Sane Republican Voter In My
Staten Island District Besides Myself!! There Are 47 Registered Republican
Voters In My District But Only Two Of Us Went To Cast Our Vote!!

I Would Say That My Single Ron Paul Presidential Primary Vote Cost
New York Taxpayers Well Over A Thousand Dollars!! Unbelievable!!!

This Is New York City 2012 And You Just Can Not Ever Make This Absurdity Up!!