Is Mohammad There?? - Stage Two!!
(2012-10-01 at 00:07:45 )

Is Mohammad There?? - Stage Two

On June 21st, 2012 I posted a Parable about a strange phone call
I got where the female caller asked to speak to Monammad and I
replied " You Have the Wrong Number "!! A star 69 request
yielded nothing because I think it was a government agency
telephone that had been used.

On Saturday July 14, 2012 I found two envelopes from the Staten
Island Medicaid Off ice in my mailbox in the lobby of the
apartment building that I live in. One envelope was addressed to
Bah G. Mohamed and the other envelope was addressed to
Mohamed Bah but both envelopes bore my street address and my
apartment number.

After many years of many different criminals using my
apartment mailbox for their Various Illegal Purposes I do not
write " Addressee Does Not Live Here " on the envelopes and
put them in the mailbox at the other end of this building
any more!!

What I do now is I open the envelopes and send Certified
Mail To The Law Enforcement Agencies showing that my
apartment mailbox is again being used for Someones Criminal
Activity With Copies Of the Mailings!!

Mohamed Bah or Bah Mohamed seems to also have my unlisted
home phone number, and Dear Lord Knows What Else!!

In The Past Robbery Detectives Have Come To My Apartment
Seeking A Robbery Suspect That Was Collecting His Welfare
Benefits Using My Apartment Building Mailbox.

Two Safelink Cell Phones Had My Name and Address On Them
And When I Informed Safelink That These Phones Did Not
Belong To Me Safelink Quickly Shut Them Off.

Any Rational Person Would Expect That My Many Certif ied
Letters To Our Mayor Magnif icent Michael R. Bloomberg
About Criminals Using My Mailbox For Welfare Scams And
Such; Would Have Prompted His Administration To RED FLAG
My Address And Apartment Number And Summon The Three
Blocks Away New York City Police Department To Arrest
These Criminals Right In The Welfare Off ice!!

Very Very Sadly, That Is Not Being Done!!

So Mohamed Bah Or Bah Mohamed Case Number 25598083B
Just What Are You Up To With My Home Phone Number And
My Home Address??

Are You Here To Blow Up Another Building Full Of
Innocent People??

I Am Going To Let Homeland Security, The F.B.I. The
United States Attorney As Well As Mayor Bloomberg Know
That You Do Not Live Here!!

So When They Finally Come Looking For You My Apartment
Door Is Not Busted Down By Any S.W.A.T. Or Seal Six
Team Looking To Kill Me Because They Think That Mohamed
Bah Or Bah Mohamed Lives Within My Apartment!!
