All They Want Are The Drugs And The Money Made!!
(2014-01-19 at 20:45:00 )

All They Want Are The Drugs And The Money Made!!

The Most Profitable American Business, By Far, Is Still The Distribution Of Illegal Narcotics!! -Cousin Lucky

I recently read an article by Mr. Laurence M. Vance entitled " The Eighteenth Amendment and the War on Drugs " which can be found here:Laurence M. Vance

Ever since reading that article I have had a gurgling desire within myself to say some pertinent things about this Absurd Forked-Tongue American Circus!!

A prime example is our former Mayor Magnificent Michael R. Bloomberg who, for years, expressed all over the world his desire to curtail the " Illegal Handguns " rampant within New York City. At the very same time Mayor Bloomberg ordered his Police Department not to file, or to downgrade, criminal reports in Minority Neighborhoods and not to be spending any money investigating " property crimes " within those very same neighborhoods.

These policies and practices forced hard working law-abiding people to go out and seek protection for themselves, and their families, by getting firearms any way that they could. The criminals are always going to purchase weapons; but Mayor Bloombergs forced otherwise honest people to do the very same thing by continually refusing to supply them with any adequate police protection. " We Have No Money For That! " he would cynically claim.

Under these pound-foolish image-enhancing policies police corruption mushroomed so that now, for a fee, every parasitic two-bit drug dealing vermin can earn money subverting the fabric of what is left of American Society by poisoning our uneducated directionless children with a large variety of pills and drugs!! How wonderful it is for the Criminals to never have to worry about ever being arrested!! How Wonderful it is for lots of people to make such fortunes from people desiring all the drugs that money can buy!! How wonderful, make them miserable and fix it with drugs and then jail them for having drugs!!

All laws eventually just got ignored within our minority neighborhoods while outright disgusting minority male intimidation was promoted through the widespread use of the New York Police Departments daily humiliating, disrespectful, and Very Un-Constitutional " stop, frisk, and harassment " techniques!!

There is not even a pretense anymore from Federal, State, or City law enforcement to hide their complicity in the " Booming American Narcotics Industry "!! I can look out of my apartment window, or look into my buildings stairs and hallways, and watch the rampant sale of Narcotics each and every day of the week!! Karzai and the Cartels are just loving it!! Keep It Illegal And More Than Triple The Profits!!


How can this society survive with such short-sighted leaders, politicians, bankers, etc. who can not see any farther than the dollar that they are going to make today; or the exploitation and abuse that they can inflict, at will or whim, upon this and other countries?? Does This War, Or Any, Make Any Sense At All??

Is There Any Real Soul Left Within These United States Of America??