Paynal © 2008
Tangents Everywhere You Look!!
(2014-02-20 at 18:30:04 )
Tangents Everywhere You Look!!
I recently read an article on Jacob Hornbergers Blog that caused my mind to contemplate multiple topics for serious discussion!! You can peruse the article yourself here:
Jacob Hornberger Blog
Is there really any political group not shafting black teenagers??
Mr. Hornberger, You admit that black teens get a very inferior public
education but you continue to blog that these teens, who as a group hold no political power or political knowledge, should be railing against the minimum wage laws.
Mr. Hornberger you are " blaming the victims " instead of blaming the folks in charge that are really responsible for this inane policy!!
Granted there are many different cultural groups of black teenagers. West Indians and Africans tend to properly raise their children with a moral code and a strong work ethic.
However, there are many black women " Pimping Their Plumbing " to have babies ( as Southern Slavery actively taught them to do! ) for the Master; who is not now a Plantation Owner, but the " United States Government " that is supposed to provide food and shelter!!
These " Welfare Queens " sleep with lazy, substance-abusing, parasitic males that they can order around and abuse at will. I call these women " Buelah Beasts " but they are commonly called " Screaming Skanks " within communities of color!! These women, and their many children, adhere to the Religion that " Everyone Owes Them Something "!!
You can not " Teach " these people anything about morals, honest work, justice, fairness, etc.
No One In Their Right Mind Is Going To Hire Them For Any Honest Employment At Any Wage!! Either Alcohol, Drugs, Jail, or Death Await Them!!
When I was growing up these United States of America were an altogether different country! The Boston neighborhoods of my youth were full of immigrants from many different countries and many different languages were spoken.
Everyone, however, raised their children strictly. If you committed an infraction in your neighborhood you might get several " beatings " before your father even got home to really put it to you!!
Corporal Punishment was permitted, and used, in both public and private school!! There were Special Schools for disruptive children.
So just how ridiculous are things nowadays??
They are really ridiculous beyond belief!!
I was inside a Staten Island Met Foods Market yesterday where a wildly-dressed white teenage female was pushing and shoving her mother through the store as she screamed " Gimme My Shit " at her!! The manager went over to them and said he would call the police and the teenager screamed at him to go ahead and call the F..king Police. The married Spanish woman in front of me in the check-out line screamed at the white woman to " just lay her daughter out on the floor "!!
If the manager had called the police; they would have took their time coming because American men are no longer legally allowed to touch women or children, for any reason!!
American Children are not being raised to live in the real world any more; they are being molded into a perpetual FantasyLand by officials, policies, and laws that ignore the reality of actually being human beings!!
Everywhere You Look Our American Society Is Rapidly Falling Apart And It Seems That Most Of Us Are Just Too Scared To Ever Say Or Do Anything About It!!