Paynal © 2008
Tangents Everywhere You Look II
(2014-02-25 at 00:58:07 )
Tangents Everywhere You Look II
Always Swept Under The Rug!!
The American Unmentionables swept under the rug and kept there festering resentment and creating ever more sickening problems year after year after year are not going to go away anytime soon.
Our so called leaders are not really leading this country; they are living and preaching the lies that have changed this nation into a moral, financial, and social trainwreck.
Blatant Hypocrisy is the very sick order of the day, all day, every day!!
Getting Yours By Any Means Is All That Ever Matters In 2014!!
This Land of the Free and Home of the Brave is just an Addicted Illusion adhered to by our sheepled dysfunction to hide the actual truth of just how low we have so sadly evolved.
Money, Immorality and Corruption are now the Gods here to be worshiped instead of the things to be completely ashamed of.
Surely The Ways Of The Devil Are Very Very Much In Charge!!!
Always Being Under The Rug enables one to see some of the New York Underground Economy as well as see just how little money some human beings are willing to sell their entire souls for. It is much worse than ordinary people could ever contemplate in their wildest dreams.
How Ironic it is that American Taxpayers pay Public Servants each and every week to Subvert The Moral Fabric Of This Nation!!
I wonder how some people can tolerate what they do each and every day to themselves and what they do to countless others!!
That, however, is just me and my character!!
Unfortunately the humans without any guilt, morals, or values are in the Majority.
Not only are they in the Majority; but they are clearly running things the world over!!
In any large American city enormous amounts of drugs are sold every day.
Nowhere are the consequences of these drugs felt more severely than in Minority Communities. I see these sick " Junkies " up close each and every day!!
I see the corruption up close each and every day and I truly wonder if
Lin Ze Xu had the right idea to just get rid of every user and seller of drugs entirely because they actually are committing TREASON!!
Making Drugs Legal May Appear As Easy But I Wonder If That Is An Improvement!!
These wayward minority children get so little upbringing, so little schooling, so little direction; what they always get is all of the drugs needed to destroy themselves, their families, their communities and everyone around them with a doomed future!!
Therefore those people in charge make tons of money selling drugs and they also get to destroy Minorities in the process!!
A Real Subversive Two-Fer!!
Americans Never Want Their " Drug War To Ever Stop "!!