(2014-07-03 at 03:40:45 )


I am 70 years old with attitudes!! I do not like any ads at all!! I do not talk to people that act like they own me!! I have not watched any commercial television for over 10 years!! I do not visit any sickening ad-filled websites!!

I have been using, and paying for, email for many years now. Fastmail email used to be a part of Opera but separated from them. Fastmail subsequently doubled its yearly fee but I was still quite happy with it because I could log in quickly with my dial-up internet connection using the old interface which just contained the log in panel!!

Fastmail has now decided that I must now look at all of the nauseous promotional advertising that non-customers have to look at to join fastmail.

Instead of thinking of myself as a valued fastmail customer I now consider myself a SMUCK because fastmail refuses to even consider providing its existing customers with an AD-Free, Crap-Free log in!!

I have advised fastmail thusly: It is truly very disappointing that Fastmail chooses to ignore my concerns. I can No Longer Ever Again Urge Anyone To Ever Use Fastmail services!! Sorry!!