Russia Could Never Discredit The United States Empire The Way These Guys Just Did by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
(2020-10-01 at 03:45:11 )

Russia Could Never Discredit The United States Empire The Way These Guys Just Did by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!



I mean, wow.

So in case you missed it, the first United States presidential debate was everything the United States empire deserves and a fair reflection of everything the United States empire is.

If Vladimir Putin were every bit the election-meddling demon the Democrats say he is, and if he had unlimited time and unlimited resources to create the perfect ninety-minute propaganda video to discredit the United States-led unipolar world order, he could not have designed one more effective than the performance that was just delivered by President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden with the help of moderator Chris Wallace.

Donald Trump after being asked to condemn white supremacists: "Proud boys, stand back and stand by"-NowThis September 30, 2020

I mean, it had everything.

Both candidates yelling over each other the entire time, Joe Biden telling the sitting president of the United States to shut up on live television, Donald Trump at one point saying the Proud Boys should "stand back and stand by", Chris Wallace literally shouting to be heard over the unceasing interruptions, Joe Biden getting confused and arguing that the Green New Deal would pay for itself and then turning around saying he does not support the Green New Deal, mountains of lies and nonsense, both candidates trying to out-right wing each other, and absolutely no meaningful discussion of policies that will actually help ordinary United States of Americans at all.

It was crazier than any of Donald Trumps debates in 2016.

It was crazier than any presidential debate that has ever happened.

You seriously could not have designed a more perfect display to do everything we have been told for years that Russian propagandists are trying to do: depress the vote, encourage support for third parties, weaken public trust in the United States of Americas institutions, and humiliate the United States on the world stage.

The world is going to be talking about this for a while now.

Clips from this debate are going to share widely all across the planet.

It will be translated in many languages.

Articles will be written about it for days.

And people who had never thought to question whether this is the government that should be leading the world into the future are suddenly going to find themselves contemplating that question.

And hopefully the next one will be even worse.

Chris Wallace jumps in after Donald Trump and Joe Biden have continuously interrupted each other: "Gentlemen, I hate to raise my voice, but why should I not be different than the two of you?"

He also tells Donald Trump: "Frankly, you have been doing more interrupting"-CBS News September 30, 2020

It is good for the United States empire to invalidate itself in this way.

The government that has encircled the planet with hundreds of military bases and snuffed out millions of human lives while displacing tens of millions since 9-11-01 in military interventions that were based on lies, which sanctions, sabotages and destroys any nation which dares to disobey its dictates, and which is escalating world-threatening cold war aggressions against not one but two nuclear-armed nations is not a government that should have any control over humanitys collective future.

The uglier a face that appears on this murderous empire, the better it will be for everybody.

In a government that is intrinsically evil and destructive from root to flower, an attractive face with competent management is the last thing anyone should want.

It does not matter who won this accidental Kremlin propaganda performance of a debate.

It does not even matter who wins the election; the most evil aspects of the United States government will continue unhindered regardless of which oligarchic puppet wins in November.

What does matter is that the dark, ugly aspects of global power that people had previously not noticed are being drawn into the spotlight and seen by everybody. 2020 seems to be a good year for that.

If the imperialists who run things have any sense they will find a way to cancel future debates in the name of national security, because they are the ones who will be worst affected by them.

Here is hoping they do not, though.

"This Ms Caitlin Johnstone article and its links are here:"

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