Paynal © 2008
The Nightmare At Satanville!!
(2019-04-27 at 22:18:24 )
The Nightmare At Satanville!!
"No, I am not an American. I am one of the 22 million black people who are the victims of Americanism. One of the 22 million black people who are the victims of democracy, nothing but disguised hypocrisy. So, I am not standing here speaking to you as an American, or a patriot, or a flag-saluter, or a flag-waver - no, not I. I am speaking as a victim of this American sys-em. And I see America through the eyes of the victim. I do not see any American dream; I see an American nightmare."-Malcolm X
My West Indian Family kept me living within middle class white neighborhoods through the first six grades of school so I developed a sense of " belonging " to American society! I was a Boy Scout and an Honor Roll student that went to church every Sunday!
I spent the 7th and 8th grades going to Boston Latin School but I knew I was not going to college and I did not know how to beg for scholarships or money.
I was raised to carry my own weight so I spent 4 years of high school going to and graduating from Boston Technical High School in the " special math course "!!
Oh the racism was there every day but my family advised me to not let it change who I was inside!
They told me that no one would be calling me names if I did better than them in school. No one would be calling me names if I was a better human being than they were!
I had more trouble with some of the teachers than with any of the students! Some teachers would slyly insult me or provoke me into some kind of wrongful words or deeds but none of them would succeed in getting through my shields and they just made me stronger!!
Thus I was equipped with a foundation and a shield against the systematic racism that labelled me a male Negro that was going to be a criminal or a substance abuser, or a pervert, or some kind of parasite, or a sexual trick that paid money for sex!!
I grew into a young man that graduated from high school in June, had a full time job in July, and in August I was living alone in my very own apartment!!
Now I am 72 years old and I have spent the last 16 years leasing an apartment from the very worst landlord in all of New York City!! You can take a look for yourself and you will surely agree!!
Welcome To The Swill And The Slime Of Satanville !!!!
"If there is one thing America hates it is having its mask of democracy and liberty removed to reveal the true face of a nation founded upon the genocide of the indigenous population before being built on the back of slave labour - a country which continues to exist at the negation of people of colour and poor people to this day. Regardless of the long and courageous struggle of the Civil Rights Movement, regardless of the raft of laws passed against racial discrimination, and regardless of a constitution that enshrines the principle that, "all men are created equal," in 2016 America has yet to come to terms with the racism and inequality that lie at the heart of its culture and cultural values."-John Wight
This is a " government apartment building " that is under " Satans Control "!! Here prostitution, gambling, drug dealing, and all kinds of illegal activity goes on day and night!!
Women are encouraged to engage in criminal activities to make money!! Morality is cast aside like a piece of lint!! Satan has women here using their own children to sell drugs, rob people, etc. Nothing must ever get in the way of " making money "!! No money is too dirty; it all spends the same way!!
The New York City Housing Authority and the New York City Police Department are also under Satans control and their members gladly take the tax free illegal money with both hands!!
This is the super rotten part of these United States of America that is kept hidden from the media!! There is No Shame being shown here; the pervasive criminal culture is flaunted everywhere but the general public completely denies its existence!! This is " the rotten underbelly of the satanic beast " in very open display!!
This is Satanville where the Total HYPOCRISY of these United States of America is on Blatant display for the entire world to see!!
"Satans Savages"
"Brothel Madams"