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George Wills Obtuseness on the JFK Assassination by Jacob G. Hornberger
(2021-01-06 at 02:09:10 )
George Wills Obtuseness on the JFK Assassination by Jacob G. Hornberger
In a small section of his most recent column, Washington Post conservative columnist George Will demonstrates the deference to authority that has come to characterize the mainstream media with respect to the JFK assassination. Mr. Will writes:
-For many years, some people insisted that a vast conspiracy, not a lone gunman, masterminded the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy near the grassy knoll in Dallas Dealey Plaza. To these people, the complete absence of evidence proved the conspiracys sophistication. They were demented.
Now, it stands to reason that mainstream journalists at the time of the Kennedy assassination would make that type of statement. That was a time when almost everyone placed undaunted faith in the United States national-security establishment and any official narrative it issued.
This was especially true for conservative columnists, almost all of whom bought into the extreme anti-communist animus that was used to justify the Cold War and the conversion of the United States government to a national-security state. Of course, there was also Operation Mockingbird to consider. That was the Central Intelligence Agencys successful secret operation to acquire assets within the United States mainstream press who could be relied upon to publish articles reflecting the views and narratives of the national-security establishment.
Thus, when a mainstream journalist in 1963 or even 1964, immediately after the issuance of the Warren Report, made a statement similar to that made by Mr. Will, it was somewhat understandable. At that time, while there were people who suspected that something was amiss in the assassination, most of the evidence pointing to a United States national-security regime-change operation was hidden from view because of the shroud of national-security secrecy that was immediately placed over the assassination.
But that was 1963. Today things are entirely different,
Over the decades, the national-security state secrecy surrounding the assassination has been pierced, which has brought forth a large body of incriminating evidence pointing to a joint Pentagon-CIA operation to protect "national security" from a president whose policies, they believed, were leading to a communist victory in the Cold War and, ultimately, a communist takeover of the United States.
This is what mainstream journalists like Mr. Will just do not get.
Owing to the large amount of evidence that has surfaced pointing toward a domestic regime-change operation, it is no longer sufficient for a mainstream journalist to mouth the standard mantras about the Kennedy assassination that were being mouthed in 1963 or to label people "conspiracy theorists." Now, it is incumbent on mainstream journalists who wish to maintain the official narrative to confront and deal with the actual evidence that has surfaced since then, especially after the JFK Records Act in 1993, which was enacted in the wake of Oliver Stones movie JFK. That law forced the Pentagon, the CIA, and other federal agencies to disclose many, but certainly not all, of their long-secret records relating to the assassination,
Let me give you an example. In the late 1960s, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison brought a criminal prosecution against a man named Clay Shaw. In the trial, Mr. Garrison alleged that the JFK assassination was a highly sophisticated domestic regime-change operation carried out by the Pentagon and the CIA, no different in principle from those carried out both before and after the Kennedy assassination - e.g., Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, Congo 1961, Cuba 1960s, Chile 1973.
The mainstream press criticized and derided Mr. Garrison. Their mindset was one of complete deference to the authority of the national-security establishment and its official theory that a lone nut had killed the president.
In the process, the mainstream press failed to note some extremely important aspects of the Shaw trial, especially those relating to the testimony of one of the military pathologists, Lt. Col. Pierre Finck, who had helped carried out the official autopsy on President Kennedys body.
Mr. Finck testified that he received a call at 8 p.m. on the night of the assassination from one of the other two pathologists for the autopsy, Commander James Humes, asking Mr. Finck to come over and help with the autopsy, In that 8 p.m. telephone call, Mr. Humes told Mr. Finck that they already had x-rays of the presidents head.
A big problem arises though: The presidents body was being carried into the Bethesda morgue at precisely 8 p.m. by a military color guard.
Do you see the problem? How could Mr. Humes already have x-rays of the presidents head if the presidents body had not yet been brought into the morgue?
To my knowledge, that testimony did not bother any mainstream journalist at the time. They were all so deferential to the national-security establishment that that problem did not seem to get their attention. But would you not think that any self-respecting investigative journalist would say, "I need to get to the bottom of this"?
How about you, George? How do you explain this problem? I would love to hear your explanation.
Another interesting aspect of Mr. Finck’s testimony was when he was asked by the prosecutor why the pathologists had failed to "dissect" President Kennedys neck wound, which would ordinarily have been standard autopsy procedure. At first, Mr. Finck repeatedly refused to answer the question. When the judge finally required Mr. Finck to answer, he said that he had been ordered by someone in authority to refrain from doing so. Mr. Finck then maintained that he could not remember the identity of the person in authority who issued that order to him.
Now, would you not think that any self-respecting investigative journalist would say, "I need to get to the bottom of this"? After all, the three autopsy pathologists were supposed to be in charge of the autopsy, Mr. Fincks testimony established that there was obviously a secret super-force that had ultimate control over the autopsy and the autopsy physicians.
How about you, George? Are you not at least a bit curious as to who composed that force and how, when, and why it came into existence?
After the House Select Committee on Assassinations hearings in the 1970s, a group of enlisted men who were released from vows of secrecy that the military had forced then to sign immediately after the autopsy, began telling a remarkable story. They said that they had secretly carried the presidents body into the Bethesda morgue in a cheap, military-style shipping casket rather than the expensive, ornate casket into which the presidents body had been placed in Dallas, They maintained that they secretly brought the body into the morgue at 6:35 p.m., almost 1 1-2 hours before the official entry time of 8 p.m.
What is up with that? How about it, George? You can not lay claim that witness statements do not constitute evidence, can you? What is your explanation for this phenomenon? I would love to hear it.
In the 1990s, the Assassination Records Review Board secured a written report from a Marine sergeant named Roger Boyajian, which was prepared soon after the November 22, 1963, weekend. In the report, Mr. Boyajian stated that his team did in fact carry the presidents body into the morgue at 6;35 p.m.
How about it, George? You can not really maintain that Mr. Boyajians statement and his written report do not constitute evidence, can you? How do you deal with that? What is your explanation for it? I would love to hear what you have to say about it.
The ARRB also secured the testimony of Saundra Spencer, who worked in the militarys photography lab in Washington, D.C. She told the ARRB a remarkable story. She said that on the weekend of the assassination, she was asked to develop the official autopsy photographs of President Kennedys body, on a top-secret basis. She had kept her secret for some 30 years. When shown the official photographs of the autopsy in the records today, she said that those were not the photographs she developed. The ones she developed showed a massive sized exit wound in the back of President Kennedys head, which would connote a shot having been fired from the front. The official autopsy photographs show the back of the presidents head to be intact.
How about it, George? How about giving us your take on Ms Spencers testimony? You can not really say that sworn testimony does not constitute evidence, can you? I would love to hear your explanation for Ms Spencers sworn testimony.
Ms Spencers testimony, of course, matched the statements of the Dallas treating physicians immediately after the assassination, in which they described a massive exit-sized in the back of President Kennedys head.
How about it, George? How do you deal with the steadfast statements from Dr. Robert McClelland, Dr. Charles Crenshaw, and the other treating physicians immediately after the assassination?
The ARRB discovered that there were two separate examinations of President Kennedys brain. At the first examination, the brain was "sectioned" or cut up like a loaf of bread, which is standard procedure in gun shot wounds to the head. At the second brain exam, the brain was damaged but intact - i.e, not sectioned. There is no way that a sectioned brain can reconstitute itself, which means that the brain at the second exam could not possibly have been President Kennedys,
How about it, George? How do you deal with that one? I would love to know.
Dr. David Mantik, a radiation oncologist in Rancho Mirage, California, has spent nine complete days closely examining the x-rays in the JFK autopsy. He has concluded that they are forgeries.
How about it, George? How do you deal with Mr. Mantiks detailed analysis? You can read it here. I would love to know.
Why is all this autopsy evidence important? Because there is no way to come up with an innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy. But George, if you can do so, please let us know what that explanation is. I do not think you can. Certainly no one else has. And one thing is for sure: It was the national-security establishment that was solely responsible for carrying out the fraudulent autopsy on President Kennedys body just a few hours after the assassination.
In fact, George, maybe you would not mind providing your theory as to why the military, rather than the civilian authorities in Dallas, were even charged with carrying out the autopsy on President Kennedys body. After all, while conservatives love national-security states, the United States is not a military nation, like the Soviet Union was, or at least it is not supposed to be.
See also:
"The Mainstream Medias Deference to Authority in the JFK Assassination" by Jacob G. Hornberger
The Kennedy Autopsy by Jacob Hornberger
JFKs War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated by Douglas Horne
Regime Change: The JFK Assassination by Jacob Hornberger
The CIA, Terrorism, and the Cold War: The Evil of the National Security State by Jacob Hornberger
CIA & JFK: The Secret Assassination Files by Jefferson Morley
Morley v. CIA: My Unfinished JFK Investigation by Jefferson Morley
"The National Security State and JFK," a FFF conference featuring Oliver Stone and ten other speakers
"Altered History: Exposing Deceit and Deception in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence," a five-part video by Douglas P. Horne
"This relevant article and its links are here:"
Reprinted here with permission from Mr. Jacob G. Hornberger of The Future of Freedom Foundation!! Their Great Website!!