Paynal © 2008
It Is Only The Beginning
(2008-10-13 at 21:52:28 )
On Friday October 10, 2008 I was standing in a bus stop on Broadway near noon
when a speeding N.Y.P.D. S.W.A.T. truck went flying by with its flashing
lights and blaring siren. Other sirens could also be heard on other streets.
The Arden Heights Express bus came and I got on with four other people. As the
bus neared Wall Street I could see the S.W.A.T. truck, other police vehicles,
and the large broadcast trucks from every New York T.V. station.
At Wall Street and Broadway I looked down Wall Street to the next block where
the New York ( Swindle Emporium ) Stock Exchange is located. There was quite
a mob of people out there, quite a mob!!
Some of the men getting onto the bus were already inebriated. Last week has
been quite rough for the Wall Street High and Mighty.
I did not take any pictures because " this financial crisis " in only just
beginning. Everyone involved is literally only looking out for themselves.
Other countries will act in their own self interest to rectify the losses that
have been inflicted on their Nations banks and Economies.
The shenanigans of American Banks and their Government Enablers will just roll
along its nefarious, selfish path. The money supply will be enhanced and the
prices for food, clothing, etc. for " Main Street's Yahoos " will continue to rise.
As time goes on American Bankers will not be trusted by anyone overseas.
Eventually other currencies will replace " the Federal Reserve Note " in
different parts of the globe.
Eventually No One Overseas Is Going To Accept Being Paid in " Dollars "!!
Schemes, like the recently passed 850 Billion Dollar Bailout, will come and go
but the " crisis " will linger on. Industries are going to go " belly up " all
over America.
Liquor sales, and the sales of Narcotics, are going to skyrocket because the
entire False Facade of American Hubris and Invincibility Is Fast Decomposing!!
" Our American Century " our " Greatest Nation On Earth " is just a Delusion
We Fell For While We Were Being Robbed and Enslaved!!
Unfortunately the " Robbery " and " Enslavement "is going to continue for
quite a long time. Our Liberty and Our Society Are Disappearing!!
The Corporate Parasites and their Government Prostitutes have a lot more of
our Blood and Prosperity on their Devious menus!!
The Suffering, My Fellow Americans, Has Only Just Begun!!