Paynal © 2008
Women's Superiority
(2008-10-12 at 18:19:02 )
Woman is Biologically Superior To Man.
Her physical structure is more balanced, her skin is smoother, and she is
more receptive and flexible. All women have an intuitive understanding of
Infinity, especially when they Bear Children.
This is why women rarely seek enlightenment. Since man is relatively
unbalanced, he must seek a great dream in order to make himself complete.
Many religious sects have held that Women are not worthy of seeking truth;
this is a total fallacy. These people do not know what a woman really is.
A True Woman Is Quiet, But Her Silence Possesses Great Courage.
Like the Earth, She Is Passive, And Yet The Creator Of Life!!
A Woman's Greatest Work Is The Creation Of Babies And Food.
Without This, The World Can Never Be Changed.
In a struggle, the Yang Antagonist can win a short term victory,
But Yin is Always the Final Victor.
Every Day, man leads and wins - but very few men, when they are dying
on the Battlefield, call for their Father.
In The Moment Of Death, It Is Their Mother That They Remember.
The Trouble with our Society is that Woman has Forgotten the Passivity
and Patience That Enables Her To Be The Final Victor;
She Wants To Win Every Day, Just Like Man,
and She Wants to Win in Man's Silly World of Competition.
Because os This, Families Are Decomposing Faster and Faster.
Women Do Not Need To Struggle To Win:
At The Moment Of Birth They Have Won.
Unless We Restore This Understanding, Woman's Happiness Will Never Return!!
------------------------------------From the Lectures of Michio Kushi 1972