The United States Is The Absolute Worst: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
(2021-07-22 at 02:27:58 )

The United States Is The Absolute Worst: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!

Listen to a reading of this article:

The United States of America has the single worst government in the world. Shut the f-ck up about Cuba.

Hands off Cuba and regime change America.

"Stop saying the United States is the worst government on earth! Others are way worse!"

Name one.

Name one that is currently doing anything that rises to the level of murdering millions and displacing tens of millions in imperialist wars and working to destroy any nation which disobeys it.

You can not.

You can not name a single government that is anywhere near as destructive and tyrannical as Washington,D.C. today.

All you can do is talk about what other governments have done generations in the past or pretend domestic oppression is as bad as killing millions in unjust wars.

The United States is the most tyrannical regime on earth. Indisputably.

Yet because it has such an effective propaganda machine, few people let this indisputable fact inform their worldview and foreign policy perspectives to the extent that they should.

People only believe the United States military can be used to solve problems because they have spent their lives watching Hollywood movies glorifying the troops and showing happy endings being reached by Good Guys shooting Bad Guys. That is why they fall for the bullshit over and over again.

The United States military is the One Ring. Everyone thinks they can use its power for good, but it can only ever unleash evil.

Israel bombed Syria again. The fact that bombings are routinely ignored by news media when they do not target the United States or its allies is yet another item in the mountain of evidence that western media is pure propaganda.

You are reading about this on antiwar dot com instead of the mainstream news because the mainstream news is not news, it is an indoctrination program disguised as news.-Caitlin Johnstone (caitoz) July 20, 2021

Hahaha why no I cannot pay you a fair wage you lowly Amazon worker, I need that money for a five billion-dollar carnival ride!

Blaming unvaccinated people and conspiracy theorists for your countrys problems is the shitlib version of blaming poor people and immigrants for your countrys problems. It is false, it is dumb, and it is very convenient for those who are actually causing your countrys problems.

"We have got to do something about all this disinformation," said the empire that is made entirely of disinformation.

Better ways for the United States government to fight disinformation:

-Spread accurate information

-Stop being an evil, opaque and inherently untrustworthy institution

-Stop actively sowing disinformation

Every day the western media spend manipulating people into accepting the murderous and exploitative oligarchic imperialist status quo as normal, they are engaging in disinformation that kills an immense number of people.

But you will never see the president working to silence them.

The oligarchic empire has no problem with disinformation.

It could not exist without disinformation.

Its real objection is to people having the ability to share information which it does not control.

Just in the United States of America untold thousands of people die every single year as a result of an exploitative status quo which makes them sick and impoverished, and this is made possible solely because of a highly advanced propaganda campaign by the plutocratic class.

Once you get out of the United States of Americas borders the death toll is far higher, where people are slaughtered by the millions in imperialist wars, proxy conflicts and sanctions regimes the consent for which is manufactured by aggressive disinformation ops.

A fondness for ice cream is neither a political achievement nor an interesting personality trait.

It is creepy how manipulative Jen Psaki is anytime she is challenged on something gross the administration is doing. It is always "Well Ted as you are well aware it is perfectly normal and good that we are doing that thing, and you are kind of crazy and weird for suggesting otherwise."

The ugliness is not that she is bad at her job, it is that she is very, very good at her job. All United States press secretaries are professional liars, but the way she is able to skillfully perception manage any oppositional question to make the questioner look like a weirdo is something rare.

Pentagon: Let us invade a country.
Conservatives: Yeah!
Liberals: Okay!
Progressives: It is not just about the what but also about the how because the how can become the what and then it is a what how what how what-Caitlin Johnstone (caitoz) July 18, 2021

"Ugh, why must you attack even the United States politicians who are furthest to the left??"

Wrong question. The correct question is, why are all United States politicians who are operating on the national stage a bunch of shitty imperialist swamp creatures without a single actual leftist among them?

Telling anti-imperialist socialists not to fight with progressive Democrats who are neither anti-imperialist nor socialist is just telling them to shut up and let Democrats control the American left.

Mainstream pundits are like "The far left wants to end wars and income inequality, but that is just unrealistic fairy unicorn talk because people like me are paid by billionaires to prevent that from ever happening."

"I understand that you want peace and healthcare and a living wage, but you need to be pragmatic and realistic about the fact that we are going to pour vast fortunes into sabotaging all your attempts to get those things."

There is a focus on profit-driven solutions to climate collapse because our profit-driven global model always values making more things ("mens work") and never values cleaning things up ("womens work"). That is also why most of the work traditionally done by women is unpaid.

You are only ever going to look for solutions to problems through the reality tunnel you have been conditioned to look through.

For thousands of years human civilization has been valuing the making of more things and devaluing the unmaking of things, when the latter is what we need right now.

The oceans are our planets best carbon sink, for example, and their ability to do that is being choked to death by plastic. Removing plastic from the oceans will not be profitable; it will cost a lot. So there is no big push to do this. It is being ignored.

Ending growth for its own sake, producing less, consuming less, paying people to stay home instead of commuting to pointless jobs; all of these would help the ecosystem far more than producing some new battery made of strip-mined materials. But there is no profit, so they are overlooked as viable solutions.

Because we have got millennia of conditioning toward the worldview of "Mens work valuable, womens work free," even the most awake among us can scan right over the obvious solutions to ecological collapse without seeing them, because it would mean a wildly different way of being.

That is why people so often succumb to hopelessness on this front, and why the quote "It is easier to imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism" rings so true for us: because from the point of view we have been conditioned to look through, there is no solution. We cannot consume our way out of this.

When in reality there is a solution right here under our noses, it is just not good for billionaires.

It is going to cost a lot, and it is going to entail doing a lot less.

But it will work, and, if we can pry the fingers of the bastards off the wheel, it can be put into action.

False spirituality gives you beliefs. True spirituality destroys them.

"This Ms Caitlin Johnstone article, its pictures, and its links are here:"

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