Afghan Lesson For Uncle Sams Running Dogs by Finian Cunningham!
(2021-08-15 at 18:30:38 )

Afghan Lesson For Uncle Sams Running Dogs by Finian Cunningham!

Afghanistan is the most glaring proof of the United States of American treachery. It is a cautionary tale for others who incredibly still seem trusting in hitching their wagon to a United States alliance.

United States President Joe Biden said this week that he has "no regrets" about pulling United States of American forces out of Afghanistan as the Taliban militants look set to over-run the entire Central Asian country. The lesson here is: anyone acting as a running dog for Washington,D.C. does so at the peril of ultimate United States betrayal.

The United States-backed puppet regime in Kabul has done Washington,D.C.s bidding for nearly two decades. After 20 years of futile war at the cost of hundreds of thousands of Afghan lives and trillions of dollars, Uncle Sam has decided to pack up, get out and leave the Afghans to their miserable fate.

As the Taliban take over one provincial capital after another, the United States intelligence agencies are warning that the Kabul regime could fall within a month. And callously, President Biden this week told the Afghans they have to do their own fighting.

Whatever happened to lofty United States of American vows of "nation-building"? Or "fighting terrorism", "defending democracy", "protecting womens rights"?

It is a sordid story with much historical precedent illustrating how at the drop of a hat Uncle Sam is liable to hang erstwhile "allies" out to dry. As United States of American elder statesman Henry Kissinger once noted, the United States does not have permanent allies, it only has interests.

Some 46 years ago, the Fall of Saigon saw the United States scurry away from a corrupt puppet regime it had propped up in South Vietnam as the North Vietnamese communists finally routed the redundant American pawns.

A more recent example of callous betrayal by Washington,D.C. was the throwing of Kurdish militants to the mercy of Turkey when the latter invaded northern Syria during the Donald Trump presidency.

Anyone who accepts United States of American patronage must know that the small print in the contract always reads: to be dumped at any time of Uncle Sams choosing and convenience.

Afghanistan is the most glaring proof perhaps since the Fall of Saigon in 1975 of that United States of American treachery.

It is a cautionary tale for others who incredibly still seem trusting in hitching their wagon to a United States alliance.

Ukraine, run by a venal regime in Kiev, appears slavishly willing to place all its fate under Washington,D.C.s whim. Centuries of common history with Russia are being sacrificed by the regime in Kiev all for the gain of Washington,D.C.s military benevolence.

A seven-year civil war bankrolled by $2 billion in United States of American military aid has destroyed the peace and prosperity of Ukraine as well as damage neighborly relations with Russia.

We can be sure that when the imperial planners in Washington,D.C. realize that their use of Ukraine as a pawn against Russia has become futile, then the people of Ukraine will be dropped to sort out the chronic mess.

Likewise the United States of American lackeys in the Baltic states.

They act as running dogs for Washington,D.C. to spoil relations between Russia and the European Union. For years, the Baltic countries have objected to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia, appealing instead for more expensive and environmentally dirty United States gas exports. Overnight, Washington,D.C. has decided such a policy is untenable and not worth antagonizing Germany and the rest of the EU. And just like that, the Baltic lackeys are left out in the cold looking like fools.

They never seem to learn though.

This week Lithuania did Uncle Sams bidding to provoke China by announcing it would recognize Taiwan. That move infuriated Beijing because it undercuts the international One China Policy of accepting Taiwan as under Beijings sovereignty.

China recalled its envoy from Vilnius and it has threatened punitive economic measures. As the EUs top trading partner, it is reckless and self-defeating to incur Chinas wrath. Lithuania and the rest of the EU could potentially be hit with economic losses - all for the sake of following Washington,D.C.s geopolitical agenda of hostility towards China.

Currently, the biggest caution of United States treachery must surely go to the renegade Chinese island territory of Taiwan. Beijing has warned that Washington,D.C.s provocative arms sales are fomenting separatist factions on the island. China has declared the right to invade Taiwan militarily and take back control by force. Such a move could ignite a war between the United States and China since Washington,D.C. has repeatedly vowed to "defend" Taiwan.

But as the Afghan debacle reminds us, the chances are that Washington,D.C. will leave the Taiwanese to their fate in a military confrontation with mainland China. There would be Chinese blood spilled on both sides before Beijing asserts its authority.

Afghanistan demonstrates with brutal clarity that there is not an iota of principle in Washington,D.C.s foreign policy and its military interventions.

The lives of ordinary United States citizens are as expendable as those of foreign people as long as Washington,D.C.s interests of serving its corporate profits are deemed to be met.

When those interests stop then the lives lost are flushed down the toilet like a nasty turd.

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