Good for Putin for Exposing United States Hypocrisy by Jacob G. Hornberger!
(2022-01-19 at 02:14:22 )

Good for Putin for Exposing United States Hypocrisy by Jacob G. Hornberger!

At the risk of being accused of befriending one of the two premier enemies (or rivals, opponents, adversaries, or competitors) of the United States national-security establishment (the other one being China), I feel compelled to commend Russian President Vladimir Putin for exposing the rank hypocrisy of United States officials.

I must admit that I could not help but smile when I read that President Putin was threatening to send Russian troops to Cuba and Venezuela in response to United States attempts to absorb Ukraine into NATO, which would enable the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency to send United States troops, missiles, and tanks to Russias border.

When I read President Putins statement, I knew immediately what the United States response would be - and that it would not be a principled one.

Not surprisingly, United States officials did not like President Putins idea at all, as reflected by United States National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan exclaiming, "If Russia were to move in that direction, we would deal with it decisively."


Now just wait a minute.

We keep hearing United States officials saying that Ukraine is an independent, sovereign country (despite the fact that the United States government helped foment the regime-change operation that installed a pro-United States puppet regime in the country).

As such, United States officials maintain that Ukraine has the rightful authority to join NATO, that old Cold War dinosaur that should have gone out of existence decades ago.

But Cuba and Venezuela are independent sovereign countries too, are they not??

As such, do they not have the authority to invite foreign troops into their countries??

And just as the United States government establishes military bases all over the world, including in countries that are located close to Russia, why does Russia not have the authority to do the same in Cuba and Venezuela??

Oh, no, say United States officials.

The Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency have the authority to establish military bases around the world but Russia does not have the same authority.

The United States government also has the authority to send troops, missiles, and tanks "over there" - i.e., close to Russias borders - but Russia does not have the same authority to send troops, missiles, and tanks "over here" - i.e., to Cuba and Venezuela.

I am reminded of the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Soviet Union sent nuclear missiles to Cuba.

United States officials went ballistic back then too, with the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency beseeching President Kennedy to immediately start bombing and invading Cuba, claiming that the Soviet Reds were not supposed to do that - notwithstanding the fact that the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency had missiles in Turkey aimed at the Soviet Union. How is that for bit of rank hypocrisy??

To President Kennedys everlasting credit, when he struck the deal with the Soviets to resolve the Missile Crisis, he secretly agreed as part of the deal to remove those United States nuclear missiles in Turkey in return for the Soviet removal of its nuclear missies in Cuba.

In other words, President Kennedy immediately recognized the rank hypocrisy of the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency and acted to rectify it. But then again, President Kennedy is the only president since 1945 who has had the courage to take on the United States national-security establishment.

Do not count on President Biden to do that.

Like every president before him (except Kennedy), he is going to defer to the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency, which, when it comes to foreign policy, rule the roost in Washington,D.C.

In any event, good for Vladimir Putin for exposing the rank hypocrisy of the United States national-security establishment.

Reprinted here with permission from Mr. Jacob G. Hornberger of The Future of Freedom Foundation!! Their Libertarian Website!!