Washington,D.C. Thinks US Borders End At Neptune: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
(2022-01-27 at 23:50:44 )

Washington,D.C. Thinks US Borders End At Neptune: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!

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Yep. Just hanging around, killing time, waiting to find out whether the United States is going to start World War 3 now or a little later on.

Washington: Russia is gonna invade Ukraine.

Moscow: We are not gonna invade Ukraine.

Kyiv: Yeah Russia is not gonna invade Ukraine.

Washington: Russia is definitely about to invade Ukraine.


Both Moscow and Kyiv agree that there wil be no unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine. Washington,D.C. keeps insisting that if there is a war Russia will be the aggressor, but in reality all that has to happen for their not to be a Ukraine war is for United States-NATO powers not to start one.

It is actually a bit enraging to see western elites kicking around peoples emotions and personal psychology like a motherf-cking hacky sack with bullshit propaganda all the time just to make money for the military-industrial complex and advance some dopey geostrategic agendas in Eurasia.

President Biden says "everything south of the Mexican border is Americas front yard." Jen Psaki says Eastern Europe is "our eastern flank". The United States government firmly believes its territorial borders extend to the outer planets in our solar system.

PressSec: "We have a sacred obligation to support the security of our eastern flank countries..It is important to remember who the aggressor is here..it is Russia who has tens of thousands of troops on the border of Ukraine. They have the power to deescalate."-CSPAN (cspan) January 24, 2022

NATO is bad, actually.

The United States government is the most evil and destructive regime on this planet and you should want its leadership to be ineffectual and its agendas to fail.

I have never encountered anyone who can refute my claim that the United States is quantifiably the most evil and destructive government in todays world. They try, but they generally were not even aware of the facts that I use to make my case until I show them to them. This says so much about the power of United States propaganda.

Hardly any westerners are aware that the United States government has spent the 21st century slaughtering millions in wars of aggression, or that it is circling the planet with hundreds of military bases and working to destroy any nation which disobeys its dictates.

This stuff should be the first thing anyone learns when they are beginning to research international conflicts and global power dynamics. Instead it is like this obscure esoteric secret that is hidden from them while they are fed an IV drip of propaganda about Russia and China.

If you are a leftwardly-inclined politically active person in the western world, you will eventually discover that many of the figures you were initially drawn to are terrible on imperialism and militarism. How you respond to this discovery says a lot about your character.

Whenever someone regurgitates a western propaganda narrative, ask them what articles they have read disputing that narrative. If they say "none" (or more commonly "What articles dispute this??", which means the same thing), they have admitted to having no idea what they are talking about.

And at that point they have already lost the argument, because they just admitted they have done no real research into whether or not their claim is actually true. They just told you they are blindly regurgitating television narratives without bothering to check if they are factual.

If the narrative you just repeated is the same as what the TV and the United States State Department are saying, and you have not researched opposing perspectives on that narrative, you have not done any actual research at all. You are just a mindless automaton acting out your programming.

After this has been established, you can go ahead and say they are done. If they keep going I sometimes say "If I had just admitted to doing zero meaningful research into whether or not the claim I just made is true, I personally would shut the f-ck up about it."

The old model of slavery came with bad Public Relations and you had to feed and house your slaves. The new model of slavery has great Public Relations, you do not even have to pay them enough to house themselves, plus it is easy to profit from the way the slaves are always forced into debt with interest.

"This Ms Caitlin Johnstone article, its pictures, and its links are here:"

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