Paynal © 2008
Pushing toward Nuclear War by Jacob G. Hornberger!
(2022-03-09 at 23:29:53 )
Pushing toward Nuclear War by Jacob G. Hornberger!
According to Yahoo! News, "More than two dozen foreign policy experts have called for the United States and NATO to institute a partial no-fly zone over Ukraine, which would serve as an escalation of the conflict with Russia." Joining them is Illinois Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger, who also happens to be a former Air Force combat officer. That would mean the United States military would be shooting down Russian planes containing Russian soldiers.
So far, the idea is being resisted by President Biden and the military-intelligence establishment. However, given the extreme anti-Putin mentality that characterizes Biden, the Pentagon, and the Central Intelligence Agency, their position could easily change on a moments notice.
The matter brings to mind what happened during the John Kennedy administration, the details of which were set forth in an article we posted yesterday on FFFs website, entitled "When the Pentagon Wanted to Nuke Russia." The article was an excerpt from FFFs book JFKs War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated by Douglas P. Horne, who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s.
In July 1961, the United States military establishment was pressing President John F. Kennedy to launch a surprise nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, China, and all the other communist-bloc countries, similar to the surprise attack that Japan initiated against the United States at Pearl Harbor.
Their attitude was that there was inevitably going to be a nuclear war anyway between the United States and the Soviet Union. Given such, the generals believed that it would be in the best interests of the United States to fire first in order to disable a large portion of the Soviet nuclear arsenal.
The generals acknowledged to President Kennedy that under their first-strike surprise-attack plan, the United States would nonetheless suffer a large number of deaths - like in the neighborhood of, say, 70 million people - as well as significant destruction of property.
But there would still be tens of millions of Americans who would survive, given that the surprise attack would disable much of the Soviet nuclear arsenal. The important part of the first-strike plan was that there would be no Russians, Chinese, or other communists who would survive the massive United States surprise nuclear attack. Since there would still be millions of United States of Americans surviving, that would mean that America will have prevailed as the winner in the war, under indefinite military rule of course.
There is something else that is worth noting: The Pentagons plan called for the launching of the surprise nuclear attack "during a period of heightened tensions" with Russia and the rest of the Soviet Union.
To his everlasting credit, President Kennedy walked out during the middle of the meeting in total disgust. In the process, he turned to his Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, and stated, "And we call ourselves the human race." Do you see why they hated the guy so much?
Was that military mindset passed down from generation to generation within the Pentagon??
I do not know.
But what I do know is that the political gamesmanship that the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency have played to maneuver Russia into having to choose between invading Ukraine versus permitting the Pentagon and the CIA to establish military bases, missiles, tanks, and weapon on Russias border constitutes an evil, irresponsible, and dangerous game, one that comes with the possibility of nuclear fire.
In the midst of this war, where the Pentagon and the CIA are furnishing weaponry to the Ukrainians to help them kill Russian soldiers, and where United States officials are targeting the Russian people with death and impoverishment with brutal economic sanctions, any mishap can easily lead to a rapid escalation of hostilities between the United States and Russia, one in which it becomes in the interest of both sides to initiate a first-strike nuclear attack. Moreover, there is no telling what any exhausted person, including Vladimir Putin, will do when he is under severe pressure in a highly stressful war situation.
That is one big reason why this entire escapade is so highly evil and irresponsible, even if it is resolved without a war between the United States and Russia.
And make no mistake about the cause of the crisis: It is not about liberty. It is entirely about NATO, the Pentagon-CIA-controlled bureaucratic dinosaur that should have gone out of existence when the Cold War racket supposedly ended decades ago.
If NATO had been abolished back then, this crisis in Ukraine would never have happened. All those dead people in Ukraine would still be alive today.
In the final analysis, President Biden, the Pentagon, and the CIA were willing to sacrifice any number of Ukrainians for the sake of having Ukraine join NATO, which would thereby permit the Pentagon and the CIA to establish U.S. military bases, missiles, tanks, and weaponry on Russias border.
If that is not evil, I do not know what is.
Not one single Ukrainian life was worth NATO, the corrupt bureaucratic dinosaur that should have gone out of existence a long time ago.
Even worse, their unswerving devotion to NATO has clearly motivated Biden, the Pentagon, and the CIA to run the risk of a war with Russia, a war that could easily turn nuclear and cost the lives of countless millions of Americans. If that is not evil, I do not know what is.
I do know this: NATO, that corrupt bureaucratic Cold War-era dinosaur, is not worth risking the life of even one American, much less untold millions of Americans.
If the United States can escape a nuclear conflict with Russia this time, there is no telling when the Pentagons and the CIAs political gamesmanship will produce the same sort of crisis in the future, either against Russia, China, or North Korea.
That is one big reason it is imperative that the United States of American people do some serious soul-searching about what they want out of life.
If they want a crisis-filled life that might well end up at some point in a nuclear holocaust, then they should keep the national-security state form of governmental structure that was brought into existence after World War II.
If Americans instead want a life filled with liberty, peace, prosperity, security, and harmony, there is but one solution: restore the United States of Americas founding system of a limited-government republic and a non-interventionist foreign policy.
Reprinted here with permission from Mr. Jacob G. Hornberger of The Future of Freedom Foundation!! Their Libertarian Website!!