They Demolished The Left And Burned The Blueprint: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
(2022-08-22 at 01:32:40 )

They Demolished The Left And Burned The Blueprint: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!

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The empires information war against the left has been so successful that people do not even know where "the left" is anymore. Most have it confused with things that are tangential like having pink hair and saying your pronouns, or outright right-wing like the Democratic Party.

Convincing everyone that communism is bad and unions work against your interests was just the first step. The next step was to confuse and muddy the waters of the political landscape so much that nobody even remembers where it was the left had been trying to get to - namely fighting and winning the class war that is being waged upon the working class by the capitalist class, dismantling capitalism and imperialism, and creating a just and equitable society for everyone.

Now if you tell your average westerner to point to "the left", they will point at "woke" hashtags and at political parties that are designed to support and protect the capitalist class. They did not just sabotage and destroy the left, they burnt the blueprints for how to rebuild it.

The true left emphasizes the interests of marginalized communities with the goal of class solidarity. The fake left emphasizes the interests of marginalized communities with the goal of class division. You can sort out which is which by simple naked eye observation over time.

Friendly reminder that no extremist group in the modern world is killing, oppressing and tyrannizing anywhere near as many people as the so-called moderates of the United States-led world order.

Find someone who loves you the way United States of Americans love criticizing foreign governments that are far less murderous and tyrannical than their own government.

Whenever I say the United States is quantifiably the most murderous and tyrannical regime on earth, I always get a deluge of replies saying "Yeah well I would rather live there than China!" Like where you live is the only issue that matters, not mass military slaughter. And I think that just says so much.

It genuinely never occurs to them that the people dying from military explosives being dropped on their homes and starving to death from economic sanctions are real human beings whose lives matter. All they can think of is what country they would rather be using their smartphones in.

The fact that the United States happens to export most (though certainly not all) of its murderousness and tyranny overseas does not make it less murderous or tyrannical than the governments the media have trained you to hate. The people it kills and terrorizes are just as human as you.

It says so much about how propaganda-addled that population is that the lives of foreigners do not even register in their assessments of a governments murderousness and brutality, skipping instead to the fact that they are allowed to call the president "Brandon" on social media (which,as we have discussed previously, is not even a real measure of freedom anyway).

Love how it is almost universally agreed that President Biden is knowingly starving people in Afghanistan for no valid reason and it is still just happening anyway:

Shameful. People are dying from hunger in Afghanistan and this is not our money, it is theirs.-Mehdi Hasan (mehdirhasan) August 15, 2022

Virtually everyone who knows anything about the issue wants President Biden to stop starving people in Afghanistan, even people who stand to benefit materially from their starvation. And he still just will not:


Families of 9-11-01 victims urge President Biden to direct $3.5 billion worth of frozen assets to the Afghan people. "This is their money, not ours," they argue.-Dave DeCamp (DecampDave) August 17, 2022

There is a night and day difference between someone who wants the United States to stop bullying and dominating the world and someone who wants the United States to stop bullying and dominating some parts of the world so it can focus on bullying and dominating China. They are really nothing alike.

Faux populists on the right oppose some aspects of the United States war machine, but they support other aspects and do not oppose the empire itself.

Faux populists on the so-called left provide little or no resistance to the empire, they just want the empire to give them healthcare.

Wealth is meaningless if everyone is wealthy. Power is meaningless if everyone has power. The kings of our day have a vested interest in keeping everyone poor and powerless, because if everyone is king, then no one is king.

Imagine wanting to be a cop as a kid, wanting to grow up and get into the police academy so you can fight crime and bad guys, and then you get to the police force and you find out the whole job is writing tickets and destroying homeless encampments.

Question mainstream politics and they will tell you to support the lesser evil.

Question capitalism and they will say it is better than any other system.

Question the empire and they will say it is better the United States rules us than risk anyone else.

It is all lesser evilism, in support of evil.

Every time you point to the dysfunctional nature of our systems you are told "Well it has to be that because otherwise it would be something far worse!"

Oh yeah?

Anyone benefiting from your believing that? Any powerful people pouring energy into mainstreaming that idea, perchance?

It is like the abuser who says "Go on, leave! No one will ever love you like I do. You will fail and you will come crawling back!" And the victim stays out of fear of what is on the other side of the unknowns inherent in that blind leap. But at some point you have got nothing to lose.

Humanity is still being born. As a species, we are just barely crowning.

"This Ms Caitlin Johnstone article, its pictures, and its links are here:"

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