It Is A Good Time To Appreciate The Insects by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
(2022-09-01 at 23:59:04 )

It Is A Good Time To Appreciate The Insects by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!

Listen to a reading of this poem.

It is a good time to appreciate the insects
and functioning supply chains
and normal weather
and the fact that there are whales.

It is a good time to appreciate our loved ones
and tell people what they mean to us
and throw ourselves into romance with wild abandon
and be naked and vulnerable with someone who is gentle.

It is a good time to live in continuous appreciation
for the sun on our face
for the birdsongs in our ears
for a fresh cup of coffee
for a childs laugh
for a lovers touch
for electricity and clean water
for a visible sky
for breathable air
for arable land
for a living world.

It is a good time to cherish this orgy of terrestriality
with everything we have got
for however long it is with us
so that if the time comes to say goodbye
we can tuck it in lovingly and kiss it goodnight
like a tired little boy
after a long days play.

"This Ms Caitlin Johnstone article, its pictures, and its links are here"

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