Unlike Trump, John F. Kennedy Did Not Bend The Knee By Jacob G. Hornberger!!
(2017-08-23 at 13:56:44 )

Unlike Trump, John F. Kennedy Did not Bend the Knee by Jacob G. Hornberger

Like President Trump, President Kennedy was subjected to the same type of pressure by the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency to engage in military action overseas. Unlike President Trump, however, Kennedy stood his ground and refused to succumb to the will of the national-security establishment.

In fact, Kennedy is the only president in the post-World War II era who has stood up to the demands of what President Eisenhower called the "military-industrial complex."

After the Central Intelligence Agencys regime-change debacle at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba, Kennedy never trusted the Central Intelligence Agency again. It did not take long for him to have the same sentiment toward the Pentagon.

Like the Central Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon was obsessed with regime change in Cuba. The national-security establishment was convinced that the United States would cease to exist with a communist "dagger" pointed at it from only 90 miles away.

In the eyes of the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency, there was only one thing that could be done to save America - oust the communist regime in Cuba and replace it with a pro-United States dictatorship, much like the Batista regime that Fidel Castro had ousted from power in the Cuban Revolution.

The Pentagon understood the political and diplomatic problems associated with initiating a military attack on another country, especially one that had never attacked the United States or even threatened to do so.

After all, that is what Japan had done with its undeclared surprise attack on United States forces at Pearl Harbor, an act that United States officials had vehemently condemned.

The Central Intelligence Agency had tried to get around that problem with its Bay of Pigs invasion by trying to make it look like the invaders were simply an independent group of Cuban exiles rather than trained agents of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The Pentagon got around the problem by coming up with a plan that would make it look like Cuba had started a war with the United States and that the United States was simply acting in self-defense.

That is what Operation Northwoods was all about.

Unanimously approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the plan called for terrorist attacks to be carried out here in the United States and for hijackings of American planes.

Here is the kicker: The terrorists and the hijackers were going to be Central Intelligence Agency agents who would be posing as communist agents of Fidel Castro.

Under the plan, Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency officials, as well as President Kennedy, would exclaim, "Our country has, once again, been hit by a surprise attack, this time by Cuban communists who have attacked our nation and killed innocent Americans. We have the right to defend ourselves by invading Cuba and effecting regime change there."

To Kennedys everlasting credit, he stood up to the national-security establishments pressure, remained true to his convictions, and said no to Operation Northwoods.

The Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency also presented a plan to Kennedy that proposed a surprise nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. It was to be a "preventive war" much like the one that some people today are recommending Trump initiate against North Korea.

In the early 1960s, the United States had vast nuclear superiority over the Soviets. The Pentagons argument was as follows: Since war with Russia was inevitable anyway at some point in the future, the United States would gain an enormous edge by initiating an all-out surprise nuclear attack on the entire Soviet Union. In such an attack, the United States would be able to knock most of the nuclear retaliatory capability of the Soviets, leaving only a few nuclear missiles that would likely be able to reach the United States.

When Kennedy asked the Joint Chiefs how many Americans would be estimated to die even given the limited amount of nuclear retaliation, they responded around 40 million, which would, in their eyes, mean that the United States would come out the winner because everyone in Russia and the rest of the Soviet Union would be dead.

Kennedy stood up to the Pentagon and said no. After he left that particular meeting, he indignantly remarked to an aide, "And we call ourselves the human race."

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency were exerting enormous pressure on Kennedy to bomb and invade Cuba.

In their eyes, the crisis presented them with the opportunity they had been waiting for - a justification for invading Cuba to destroy the Soviet offensive missiles that were being installed on the island - missiles, they were convinced, that were intended to initiate an attack on the United States.

The pressure on Kennedy from the national-security establishment grew so large that the presidents brother, Bobby, even expressed grave concerns over the possibility that the national-security establishment would remove Kennedy from power and take control of the federal government, with the aim of protecting national security and saving the country from communism.

Kennedy resisted the pressure and said no. Instead, he struck a deal with the Soviets in which he agreed that the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency would never invade Cuba in return for the Soviets’ withdrawal of their missiles.

Additionally, Kennedy secretly agreed that the United States would withdraw its nuclear missiles in Turkey that were aimed at Russia and the rest of the Soviet Union. The national security establishment was livid, believing that Kennedys resolution of the crisis to be one of the worst defeats in United States history and leaving United States national security permanently threatened.

It is a good thing that Kennedy refused to succumb to the Pentagons and Central Intelligence Agencys pressure to bomb and invade Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Unbeknownst to the Central Intelligence Agency, the Soviet commanders on the ground had fully armed nuclear missiles and had been given battlefield authority to fire them in the event of a bombing attack or an invasion by United States forces.

If Kennedy had succumbed to the pressure by ordering a bombing attack or an invasion, it is a virtual certainty that the result would have been all-out nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States.

With his decision to surround himself with generals and, now, his flip flop on Afghanistan, it is painfully clear that President Trump has been absorbed into the national-security establishment and is now bending to its will.

That is too bad. But hey, maybe Trump is smarter than we give him credit for. Look at what happened to Kennedy. (See FFFs ebooks "JFKs War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated" by Douglas Horne; "The Kennedy Autopsy" by Jacob Hornberger; "Regime Change: The Kennedy Assassination by Jacob Hornberger"; "The CIA, Terrorism, and the Cold War: The Evil of the National Security State" by Jacob Hornberger; "CIA & JFK: The Secret Assassination Files link" by Jefferson Morley.)

Printed here with permission from Mr. Jacob G. Hornberger of The Future of Freedom Foundation!! Their Great Website!!