Donald Trump Americans Need Their Own Political Party by Paul Craig Roberts!
(2022-11-24 at 03:40:57 )

Donald Trump Americans Need Their Own Political Party by Paul Craig Roberts!

Tucker Carlsons interview with former Republican United States Representative Steve King explains how Washington,D.C. really works, and it is not according to campaign slogans. "please read here:"

The interview will help Donald Trump Americans understand that no representation of them is coming from the Republican Party, not on immigration or anything else. Donald Trump himself was easily rolled by the Establishment. Donald Trump had no idea what he was up against and no staff able to clue him in and help him deal with it. The Republican Establishment supported the lie that the 2020 presidential election was free of vote fraud and accepted the election fraud as the price of getting rid of Donald Trump. Do not confuse Trump supporters with the Republican Party. They stand for different things. Kevin McCarthy will be a worse Speaker of the House for Donald Trump Supporters than Nancy Pelosi.

Donald Trump supporters have no future in the Republican Party, which is cemented to the Establishment. Donald Trump supporters need to withdraw in mass and form a new party. It is time for the Republican Party to be discarded. Instead of trying to operate within the Republican Party, Donald Trump should offer his supporters a new party. If they do not follow him, they will have sealed their own doom.

Both Tucker Carlson and Steve King missed the real reason United States Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader in the House, helped the New York Times frame United States Rep. King, a principled conservative, as a racist. It was not the three or four words that the presstitutes took out of context and used to concoct a "white supremacist" issue. It was Rep. Kings defense of Western civilization. Western civilization is white civilization. To defend it is to defend white people. To defend white people, whom the New York Times 1619 Project labels racist, is racist. Therefore Rep. King is a racist because he defends Western civilization.

This shows the deadly damage that has been inflicted on Western civilization by its own intellectuals, media, universities and schools, and politicians of both parties. We have reached the point that we cannot defend our own civilization, our own existence, without being demonized. Such a civilization is dead, a subject for archaeologists.

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