Fight Day by Gary Lindorff!
(2023-04-17 at 03:27:14 )

Fight Day by Gary Lindorff!

So, fight day is coming soon.
Who wants to fight?
Does everyone who wants to fight
Have someone to fight with?
There is a sign up sheet in the hall.

North Korea will fight with South Korea (and the United States),
China could fight with Taiwan (and the United States).
Pakistan could fight with India (and the United States),
Cuba could fight with the United States,
Russia could keep fighting with Ukraine
And with Nato (and the United States).
Syria could fight with Israel (and the United States).
Am I forgetting anyone who wants to fight?

Please make sure you sign up quickly.
There are plenty of spots
But space is filling up fast
And time is running out.

No, the United States cannot sponsor half time.
Iceland has already stepped up
To sponsor Fight Day.
And besides there is no half-time show.
Once the fights begin
It is all over!!

Reprinted here with the permission of "This Can Not Be Happening" The only news organization in the United States to be labeled a threat by the Department of Homeland Security!!