Paynal © 2008
$.89-$.99-$1.09-now $1.25 and Soon???
(2009-02-24 at 02:59:58 )
The lemon flavored Poland Springs carbonated water that I like has once
again gone up in price at the Mall supermarket I do most of my shopping
at. These price increases have occured over the last five or six months.
I, like a lot of other people, am being priced out of the grocery store
little by little. There are already a large number of things that I no
longer purchase because the prices being charged for them are just way
out of line.
This depression is well on the way. Households with three or four cars
are very soon going to have to make do with one or two vehicles. There
are now other people just learning the ins and outs of every day public
transportation and not liking it any one bit.
There are people making their very first visits to the unemployment line,
the welfare line, and the food stamp line. There are other people now
gambling or spending more money on alcohol or narcotics trying to cope
with the American bubble of illusion bursting everywhere around them.
Families are breaking up under the strain, and there is no end in sight!!
Employers are cutting back hours or reducing to a four day workweek.
Small businesses in New york City are folding up every single day.
Circuit City has also gone belly up like Hollywood Video Rentals.
Boutiques, bakeries, and specialty shops are folding up and shutting
down. Everyone is in the great big debt hole and our politicians keep
making the hole deeper and wider.
In six months some stores will be offering great deals just to get rid
of their inventory. But in six months who is going to have any spare
money to purchase any new items from anyone?
This economy is going to go from a downturn into a complete nosedive with
absolutely no end in sight. And still we are waging wars planet wide.
The politicians in New York have proposed taxing potato chips and a five
cent charge for each bag at every store. No matter how bad the average
person is hurting the " government " wants their cut of everything.
If you go into a store to buy cigarettes they cost $7.00 to $8.00 a pack.
However there are " cigarette bootleggers " everywhere selling cigarettes
for $4.00 to $5.00 a pack. Smuggling is a lucrative way of life where
unseemly taxation thrives as it does in New York City.
Anarchy is just over the horizon. I can hear it as the ground trembles.
Get ready folks because the proverbial excrement is about to hit the fan!