The John F. Kennedy Autopsy Cover-Up By Jacob G. Hornberger!!!
(2017-11-10 at 15:17:39 )

The John F. Kennedy Autopsy Cover-Up by Jacob G. Hornberger

A classic example of the obtuseness of the United States mainstream press regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy occurred recently on television station KARE in Minneapolis-St. Paul, when the stations reporter, Chris Hrapsky, "was interviewing" federal Judge John Tunheim, who served as chairman of the Assassination Records Review Board, the agency that Congress established in the 1990s to enforce the JFK Records Act.

The Act, which was enacted in 1992 as a result of Oliver Stones movie JFK, required the Central Intelligence Agency and other federal agencies to to disclose their long-secret John F. Kennedy-related records to the public. However, the law gave the Central Intelligence Agency and other agencies another 25 years to continue their secrecy, which the Central Intelligence Agency took advantage of by keeping tens of thousands of its assassination records secret. The deadline expired on October 26, 2017. However on the very day of the deadline, the Central Intelligence Agency succeeding in persuading President Trump to continue keeping most of the remaining records secret, on grounds of protecting "National Security" of course.

Hrapskys interview of Tunheim, which took place on November 2, arose within the context of the publicity generated by the October 26 deadline. During the interview, Hrapsky was presented with the opportunity to explore one of the "smoking guns" uncovered by the ARRB, one that pointed to the national-security states cover-up in the John F. Kennedy assassination by conducting a fraudulent autopsy on the presidents body.

Perhaps it was just ignorance of the facts that prevented Hrapsky from following up on one of the critical questions he asked Tunheim. Or perhaps it is what might be called the "inconceivable mindset" that afflicts many mainstream reporters and commentators when it comes to the John F. Kennedy assassination, a mindset that holds that it is simply inconceivable that the United States national-security establishment would carry out a domestic regime-change operation, even if national security ostensibly required it. Maybe Hrapsky was scared of how his employer might react if he made a deeper exploration into what the ARRB found. Maybe he was worried about being labeled a communist sympathizer or a conspiracy theorist. Or perhaps it was just a deep-seated fear of exploring what some consider a very frightening possibility, one they simply cannot front mentally or emotionally - that the United States national-security establishment acted to protect national security by removing Kennedy from power, just as it did with regime-change operations in Iran, Guatemala, Congo, Cuba, Chile, and other places.

Regardless, Hrapsky is a reporter. As such, he had a professional duty to educate himself on the facts of the ARRB before conducting his interview with Tunheim. He also had a professional duty to follow up on critically important matters discovered by the ARRB that pointed in the direction of an official cover-up.

Here is the critical exchange between Hrapsky and Tunheim:

-REPORTER: Is it true that the presidents brain was missing at some point?

-JT: Well that is an interesting question... The brain was removed, which is not an uncommon thing. They did slices for further study... Brain tissues-when they were all done with it - they were all put together and shipped off with the other autopsy materials, which went to the White House physician. Later he turned that over to Robert Kennedy, who later turned it over to the National Archives. In that three or four step process things went missing.

Rather than follow up, Hrapsyky completely changed the subject and went off in a completely different direction, asking Tunheim, "How was the John F. Kenndy Assassination Records Review Board formed and why?"

He could have instead asked Tunheim about the two different brain examinations that were held as part of the autopsy that the United States military conducted on President Kennedys body.

Why is that important? Because one of the two brains- the one examined at the second brain examination - could not have been that of President Kennedy. Instead, it was undoubtedly one of the brains that were being used to train medical students at the Bethesda Navy Medical Center.

The full details of this episode are set forth in Volume 3, Chapter 10, of Douglas Horne’s five-volume work "Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The United States Governments Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK". Horne served on the staff of the ARRB in the 1990s. The title of Chapter 10 is "Two Brain Examinations - Coverup Confirmed."

Hornes entire five-volume work is not an easy read. But anyone who takes the time to read and study it will inevitably conclude that the militarys autopsy of John F. Kennedy was fraudulent. For an easy to read summary of Hornes five-volume book, I recommend my book "The Kennedy Autopsy".

As Horne points out, the timeline, the sworn testimony of various witnesses, and clear and convincing circumstantial evidence establish the two brain examinations.

The official photographer, John Stringer, participated in the first brain exam but not in the second one. The second one had a different, unknown photographer. When Stringer was asked by the ARRB to identify the official photographs of the brain that are in the official record, he could not do so. He testified that the photographs in the official record could not be the ones he took.

In the first brain examination, the brain was "sectioned" or cut into slices, like a loaf of bread. That is standard procedure for gunshot wounds to the head. It is done to examine the trajectory of the bullet.

Once a brain is sectioned, it cannot be put back together. The brain in the second, later brain examination was not sectioned. The photographs in the official record - those that Stringer denied taking - depict a full sized, albeit damaged, brain.

It is undisputed that the shot that hit Kennedy in the head destroyed a large portion of his brain. Federal Bureau of Investigation agent Frank ONeill, who was present at the autopsy, estimated that one-half of John F. Kennedys brain was gone. Dallas treating physician Dr. Robert McClellan estimated that one-third had been destroyed.

Yet, the photographs in the official record depict a full-sized, albeit damaged, brain. That obviously presents problems because a damaged brain cannot regenerate itself, especially after the person is dead.

There is more.

The official autopsy report states that the brain was weighed as part of the autopsy. It weighed 1500 grams.

That is a problem.


As Horne points out, an average males brain weighs 1350 grams. How can a brain that has had one third to one half of its mass destroyed weigh more than a brain that has not been destroyed? It simply is not possible.

Why would the military conduct a fraudulent autopsy? To cover up the fact that Kennedy had been hit by shots fired from the front. Since the aim was to establish falsely that Kennedy had been hit by shots fired from the rear, where Lee Harvey Oswald was situated, photographs of Kennedys brain obviously could not be used since they showed that the head shot entered from the front and exited from the rear. That is why another brain had to be summoned and used, one that falsely depicted a shot coming from the rear. (See my recent article "The Cunningness of the CIAs JFK Assassination Cover-Up".)

Itis important to keep in mind that all of this was kept secret from the American people from 1963 to the 1990s. Military personnel who participated in the autopsy were required by superior officers to sign written secrecy oaths, in which they promised never to reveal what they had seen during the autopsy. If it had not been for Oliver Stones movie JFK, everything surrounding the autopsy would have remained secret, most likely forever.

Keep in mind also how it came to be that the military conducted the JFK autopsy. Texas law required that the Dallas County Medical Examiner conduct the autopsy. But Lyndon Johnson, who was elevated to the presidency on John F. Kennedys death, ordered the Secret Service to get the body out of Parkland Hospital (in violation of state law) and immediately bring it to Dallas Love Field, where Johnsons people were making room for the casket by removing seats from Air Force One.

As I point out in The Kennedy Autopsy, a team of Secret Service agents, brandishing guns and threatening the use of deadly force and screaming profanities, forced their way out of Parkland Hospital with John F. Kennedys body in a casket, over the vehement objections of Dr. Earl Rose, the Dallas County Medical Examiner.

Loyally following Johnsons order, despite the fact that they were violating Texas law, the Secret Service team took the body to Parkland and loaded it onto Air Force One, after which it was delivered into the hands of the military in Maryland.

Here is what Horne writes:

The brain photographs in the National Archives today cannot be, and are not, photographs of President Kenndys brain This we now know beyond any reasonable doubt. The purpose of creating this fall photographic record was to suppress that President Kennedy was killed by a shot or shots from the front, and to insert into the record false "evidence" consistent with the official story that he was shot only from behind. This discovery is the single most significant "smoking gun" indicating a government coverup within the medical evidence surrounding President Kennedys assassination, and is a direct result of the JFK Records Act, which in turn was fathered by the film JFK. (Italics and bold in original.)

Interestingly enough, the two brain examinations caught the interest of two mainstream reporters at the Washington Post in the 1990s:

"Newly Released JFK Documents Raise Questions About Medical Evidence" by Deb Riechmann.

"Archive Photos Not of JFKs Brain, Concludes Aides to Review Board" by George Lardner Jr.

Too bad that Minneapolis television station KARE and its reporter Chris Hrapsky did not follow up on the matter during their interview of Judge Tunheim.

For more informations, see:

" The Kennedy Autopsy" by Jacob Hornberger

"JFKs War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated" by Douglas Horne

"Regime Change: The Kennedy Assassination by Jacob Hornberger"

"The CIA, Terrorism, and the Cold War: The Evil of the National Security State" by Jacob Hornberger

"CIA & JFK: The Secret Assassination Files link" by Jefferson Morley.

"Altered History: Exposing Deceit and Deception in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence" a five-part video by Douglas P. Horne

Printed here with permission from Mr. Jacob G. Hornberger of The Future of Freedom Foundation!! Their Great Website!!