Real Leaders, Please!! by Cousin Lucky
(2023-10-06 at 22:16:01 )

Real Leaders, Please!! by Cousin Lucky

I am an old man now but back in the late 1950s our school english teachers would demand, from time to time, a book report from a book of our own choosing from the public library. My favorite book sections were history and science fiction. One of the books that I chose way back then was 1984. The most profound thing to me in that entire book was that people had to show that they were responsible and capable enough to create and properly raise children before they were allowed to do so!!

In these United States of America no one is ever held accountable for the monsters now preying on our decent citizens! Two parent families are going extinct, spanking children is now a crime! In states with restrictive gun laws the general public is defenseless against the criminals roaming the streets. People are mugged by the criminals in the streets and then the victims are mugged again in the court system where plea deals are made between lawyers!

Our jails are overflowing, there is nothing set up to keep violent juveniles locked up, our society is crumbling because no one dares to promote real solutions!!

Criminals kill people, and depending on the class of the victim, jail time is sentenced!! Poor black males killing poor black people are sentenced to 5 to 15 years in jail so black on black crime is rampant because real punishment does not exist!!


In the courts mandate that the victims name the punishment that the government administers to the criminal no matter what it is!! That would be real justice!! If the victim wants the death penalty the state should be bound to carry it out!! Crime will disappear!!

Stop subsidizing bad behavior! Females can get pregnant any time that they please but our society is then forced to support her and her children; that is not right!! She gets pregnant on her own; she should do everything on her own; other people should never be bothered with her decisions!!

Although it was not lawful back then; the men in the neighborhood would only warn boys once that there behavior was not allowed! A thug that raped someones daughter or mugged old people would just disappear into the dog catchers lime pit; problem solved forever!!

We should be dumping our human waste into the oceans instead of the plastic!! We need real leaders not grifting con artists!