The F-35 by Gary Lindorff
(2023-11-25 at 01:59:53 )

The F-35 by Gary Lindorff

Oh, how I have wanted to write a poem about the F-35!

About how angry I was when it was allowed

To crash the mountain skies above Burlington.

But when I visited Burlington recently

I realized that the F-35 is only part of the story

Of a town that has lost its way.

And then I could write the poem.

Burlington is not how I remember it.

(That is a big problem with growing old,

Remembering when things were better.)

The homeless and the forsaken

Are the new tenants of the streets of Burlington

Which, if you are thinking of visiting,

You should know, is not the Burlington

That Bernie was mayor of anymore.

But Bernie is not Bernie anymore either.

He should retire and make space

For someone younger

Who does not make deals with the devil.

Reprinted here with the permission of "This Can Not Be Happening" The only news organization in the United States to be labeled a threat by the Department of Homeland Security!!