Paynal © 2008
Norman Finkelstein Is Perhaps the Most Honest Scholar Alive by Paul Craig Roberts!
(2024-01-07 at 17:44:50 )
Norman Finkelstein Is Perhaps the Most Honest Scholar Alive by Paul Craig Roberts!
Norman Finkelstein is a Jew and his parents, if you believe in the Holocaust, were Holocaust Survivors. Nevertheless, Norman Finkelstein tells the truth about Israel, which cost him the withdrawal of his tenure at a chickenshit Catholic university, the president of which gave in to the Israel Lobbys objection to Finkelsteins election by the university faculty to a tenured position. The corrupt and fearful president of the university cancelled Finkelsteins tenure as the Zionists demanded. In the United States of America Zionists even rule Catholic universities in addition to the Ivy League and the major state universities, which also cancel tenure of candidates not approved by the Israel Lobby. I have reported instances on this website.
In this short video Finkelstein points out what a pathological liar Hillary Clinton is about Palestine. The Hillary pathological liar claims that Palestinians rejected Israels offer that would have given them a two-state solution more than two decades ago. Finkelstein gives pathological liar Hillary both barrels.
Imagine, the pathological liar Hillary Clinton was the desired President of the United States by feminist women and dumbshit Democrats. What hope is there with a population this totally stupid??
If you want truth and want to live as an aware person independent of The Matrix and its official narratives and "fact-checkers," you will have to fight for the right not to be an indoctrinated, brainwashed, mindless idiot.
"please watch here:"
The "Public Sector" Has Long Been Privatized by Paul Craig Roberts!
United States of American liberals see the public sector as where government does good for citizens, and they see the private sector as the place citizens are ripped off by greedy capitalists who must be endlessly regulated in order to protect the public. This liberal view amounts to total delusion.
For many years I have pointed out that the public sector has been privatized and is much more private than the private sector because it is not regulated. There used to be a field of economics called public finance which was entirely an illusion.
Conservatives have long opposed big government because of its threat to liberty. The overlooked equal threat is that government, not the market, is the mechanism used by private interests to impose the cost of implementing its self-serving agendas on the public. When you get right down to it, government serves no public interest.
In this article Jeffrey Sachs, a liberal who was mugged, does an excellent job of explaining the privatization of United States military and foreign policy by those whose fortunes, power, and political careers are served at the expense of the lives and incomes of American citizens, the most exploited people on earth: "please read here:"
From 22 years ago
Harvard Hates The White Race by Paul Craig Roberts!
Is the multicultural campaign really about diversity? Or is it about stamping out Western civilization and the "white race" itself?
College students will tell you that a university education today is a guilt trip for whites. The purpose is to prevent whites from appreciating and absorbing their own culture and to make it difficult for whites to resist the unreasonable demands (quotas, reparations, etc.) from "people of color."
To the questions, "who am I, what am I," the white university graduate answers: "a racist, sexist, homophobic oppressor."
Neither parents, trustees, alumni, nor the public are aware of the anti-white propaganda that masquerades as education. When someone who is aware tells them, they think the person is exaggerating in order to make a point.
Now comes Harvard educated Noel Ignatiev, an academic at Harvards W.E.B. DuBois Institute for African-American Research. Dr. Ignatiev is the founder of a journal, Race Traitor, which has as its motto, "treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity."
The journals purpose is "to abolish the white race."
At the least, Dr. Ignatiev intends cultural and psychological genocide for whites. It is unclear whether physical extermination is part of the program. A statement by the editors on the web site says that the new abolitionists
"do not limit themselves to socially acceptable means of protest, but reject in advance no means of attaining their goal."
Dr. Ignatiev does not believe his agenda is controversial. He writes:
"The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists." Thus does he put whites on notice. If they oppose their abolition, they are "white supremacists."
According to Dr. Ignatiev,
"The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race." "Make no mistake about it," he says,"we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as "the white race" is destroyed-not "deconstructed" but destroyed."
What "social construct" will be left? A black one? An Hispanic one? Muslim? Asian? What about Jewish?
The Washington Times reports that Dr. Ignatiev is himself Jewish. If Jewish intellectuals and Israeli political leaders can be believed, Jews have a cultural and racial consciousness. Israel is the Jewish homeland, and Israelis seem determined to keep it that way. Can anyone imagine a gentile at an Israeli university founding a magazine devoted to abolishing the Jewish race?
Yet, Dr. Ignatiev believes that it is self-evident that whites in their homelands should be abolished.
Where did he get this view? His only education was at Harvard where he received two graduate degrees.
Is Harvard embarrassed? No. Dr. Ignatiev [ignatiev(at)] is showcased in the current issue of Harvard Magazine. Getting rid of whiteness is not controversial at Harvard, because it is the business of United States of American universities.
A white skin, you see, is a mark of privilege. It is not the privilege of being admitted to Harvard even though you do not meet the entrance requirements. It is not the privilege of being hired independently of ability because of government enforced racial quotas. It is not the privilege of being able to sue whites and "white companies" if blacks are not proportionately represented in the work force. It is not the privilege of being able to call whites every name in the book and sue if a white replies in kind.
The privilege of being white is that whites can secretly believe they are superior and, as long as they do not mention it, be loyal to the white race.
"The white race is like a private club," says Dr. Ignatiev.
I am sure Dr. Ignatiev is well-informed, but I see no signs of this white loyalty. Most of the multiculturalists and radical feminists are white. Whites disadvantaged whites by imposing racial quotas. Despite widespread opposition to quotas, neither "white" political party will act to stop unconstitutional quotas, which have made a mockery of equality under law. Whites are inundated by massive non-white immigration, and neither "white" political party will act to restrain immigration. To the contrary, both parties pander to the immigrants.
But Dr. Ignatiev has an idea like Hitler. A race is guilty and must go. The communists said it was a guilty class that had to go.
If you thought genocide was left behind in the 20th century, be apprised that today genocide has a home in the educational system.
Paul Craig Roberts is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice
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