Paynal © 2008
The Staten Island Gutter Gump Gangsters
(2009-04-03 at 17:16:44 )
Our Mayor Magnificent Michael Bloomberg stations dogs, SWAT teams, Coast
Guard personel, and NYPD officers at the ferry terminals and on the boats.
However he does not station any police or any detectives where the crimes
are being committed or where the criminals gather upon Staten Island.
In the 120th police precinct a bunch of people were shot inside a bar this
last weekend. Today three shots were fired from a large caliber gun near
the Mahoney Playground in New Brighton. One woman was grazed in the cheek
by another Gutter Gump Gangster who can not hit who he is shooting at.
A young woman was found murdered in her apartment with an electrical cord
around her neck. This is all very pitiful, painful, and quite shocking.
The Gutter Gump Gangsters continue to plague the North Shore of Staten
Island with complete immunity from any law enforcement organizations.
The criminals and the police are the only people walking around with guns.
The Criminals are Everywhere; While Our Police are Nowhere To Be Found.
What a truly sad state of affairs exists on the North Shore of Staten
Island. Good citizens turn in criminal activity to the New York City
Police Department; but no criminals are ever investigated or arrested.
Is this all part of the Prime Directive to keep as much criminal activity
off of the Bloomberg Administration books as is possible?
I have to seriously ask myself if there is any level of Government within
this entire country that is at all competent of anything besides screwing
everything all up.
On September 11, 2001 two hijacked airplanes deliberately flew into the
two World Trade Center buildings and destroyed them both. This entire
country has just gone haywire ever since that dreadful day.
Here we are fighting two unnecessary wars half way around the world; our
entire economy is in shambles, our country is morally, politically and
physically bankrupt and literally leaderless.
Why should the criminals curb their behavior on Staten Island?
There is no reason for them to believe that they can not get away with
any crime; no matter how outrageous that crime happens to be.
Lord In Heaven, Please Help Us!
This Island Community Is Just Getting To Be Quite Unbelievable!
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