Paynal © 2008
Whom Do We Sue In Federal Court?
(2009-04-17 at 23:28:08 )
When I get off of an S 40, or an S 44, or an S 52, or an S 78 bus at the
Saint George Ferry Terminal I have to walk up the busway and go over to
Ramp E and walk down the stairs.
I am allergic to the cigarette smoke that is always filling the Ramp D
Gas Chamber incline into the ferry terminal.
People smoke marijuana, drink liquor, sell pills and narcotics. and sell
bootleg cigarettes on Ramp D of the St. George Ferry Terminal every day.
The Ramp D thugs have removed one of the two NO SMOKING signs that was on
the wall above where they conduct their crap games.
The Transit Police are in a booth by the train turnstyles while their car
blocks up the reserved spot for handicapped people on Ramp E.
The New York City Police Department has a satelite office in the ferry
waiting room and uniformed officers stand around in the terminal waiting
room; while their cars senselessly block up the College of Staten Island
charter bus stop outside.
The Mayor Magnificent Michael Bloomberg has dogs and dog handlers looking
and sniffing for the Islamic bombs surely headed onto a ferry boat.
Every now and then, the Mayor embellishes his terrorist fears by having
the United States Coast Guard boats escort the ferries across the harbor
and he has U.S. Coast guard personel ride upon the ferry boats.
The Criminal Activity, however, is occurring upon Ramp D every single day
right out in the open but the Staten Island Police can not be so bothered.
A Police Officer told me that he is not allowed to go outside the terminal
doors onto Ramp D to do anything about what is happening out there.
I have been reporting the crack cocaine wholesaler living within my large
apartment building to the New York City Police Department for years but
nothing is ever done. Whose Narcotics Is He Selling With Such Impunity??
Such is the Quality Of Life Here In New Brighton Upon Staten Island.
We are Constantly Treated Worse Than UnWanted StepChildren.
We Are Completely Off Of The Bloomberg Radar Screen.
Contempt and Disdain Is Our Destiny From Our Public Officials.
What Did We Do To Deserve Such Treatment??
Whom Do We Sue In Federal Court??