Paynal © 2008
Wake Up America - End The Federal Reserve System
(2009-04-26 at 17:17:47 )
On Saturday April 25th, 2009 some members of The Campaign For Liberty:
an outgrowth of the Ron Paul for President effort, gathered and marched
on the New York City Federal Reserve Bank in lower Manhattan.
Ron Paul States: The People Are Demanding Answers And Explanations For
Our Economic Malaise, And We Should Settle For Nothing Less Than The
Whole Truth On Monetary Policy!!
HR 1207 is the legislation Congressman Ron Paul has filed to AUDIT THE
FEDERAL RESERVE. As of today, almost $10 Trillion Dollars in Bailouts
and Loans have been agreed to by Congress, the Treasury Department,
and the Federal Reserve System!!
With Our National Debt Approaching $11 Trillion Dollars, it is Highly
Essential and Critical That, We The People, Demand a Full Accounting Of
How Our Government Has Spent Our Money!!
The Federal Reserve, the UnElected Central Bank of these United States,
releases details of its Meetings and Activities on its own time table,
The Monopoly of the Federal Reserve Over The Flow Of Money And Credit In
Our Country Has Yet Once Again Led Us Into A Preventable Economic Crisis!
Yet, The Federal Reserve Has REFUSED To Tell Congress And The American
People Just How It Is Spending OUR TAX DOLLARS As It Blindly Piles
Bailout On Top Of Bailout And Lends OUR MONEY To Other Nations!!
On Monday April 27th, 2009 the members of The Campaign For Liberty Will
be Phoning the Congressional Switchboard at 1-877-851-6437 To request to
speak to Their Congresspersons and urge them to support HR 1207 Which So
Far Has 55 Co-Sponsors.
Presently This Very Important Item Of Legislation is within the House
Committee on Financial Services where it will either Go to the House For
a Debate and Vote OR It Will Be Defeated!!
I Have Not Marched, Even Briefly, Since The VietNam Debacle. If Only For
A Few Minutes I Marched And Shouted To Passing Cars Wake Up-End The Fed!!
Today my old disabled legs and feet are tired by my Spirits are Soaring!
It is Heartwarming To Know That There Are American People Disturbed By
The Actions Of Our Government And Attempting, Peacefully, To Change The
DISASTEROUS Course Our Beloved Country Is Presently On!!
Wake Up America - End The Federal Reserve System!!
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