Life On Board The Mike Bloomberg NYC Plantation
(2009-05-14 at 20:46:06 )

Today my post office box contained another glossy flyer from the campaign
committee of Mayor Magnificent Michael Bloomberg proclaiming results for
Us New York Residents, Accountability and Responsibility and a Glowing
Endorsement from former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani were all there.

Let me please place some perspective of my opinion of this recent flyer by
revealing my day yesterday on board this Mike Bloomberg NYC Plantation.

I got onto an S44 bus and rode it to the St. George ferry terminal. When
I got off of the bus I walked up the busway and crossed over to ramp E to
avoid the cigarette smoke that is always in ramp D. When I opened the door
on ramp E the odor and smoke from burning cigarettes made my eyes water
and my throat felt like some acid was burning away the membranes.

I walked down the steps and there were a bunch of people smoking their
cigarettes just outside of the doors to ramp D. The Ferry Terminal Was
Full Of The Smoke From These Burning Cigarettes Because All Of The Doors
To Ramp D Were Chained Wide Open.

I bought a paper and went downstairs to the train platform. The smoke was
down there too and I complained to Mike who was inside the collector booth.

I then went over and complained to the New York City Policemen On Duty!!

I then went out onto the train platform to breathe air that was not full
of cigarette smoke. When the train came into the station I had to go back
inside and walk down to the track that it was on.

While I went about my daily business I had to endure coughing and a runny
nose all day and all night because I am allergic to cigarette smoke. I
used up all of the Scope I had trying to gargle away the burning in my
throat. I had to put Hall cough drops in my mouth. I had to take pain

My throat is still sore and I am still angry that instead of making any
effort to honestly and adequately correct the very bad situation on Ramp
D or issue any summones the lazy public employees of Mike Bloomberg took
the solution that enabled them to " Just Look The Other Way " and Ignore
Their Responsibilities!!

But This Is New York City which is in the State of New York; and having
lived here for 12 years I should, Without Doubt, Be Quite Used To Public
Corruption, Malfeasance, Incompetence, Bombastism, And Grand Hypocrisy!!

Mr. Bloomberg I Have An Honest Heartfelt Message For You!!

Your Order To Reduce Numbers Turned Into Your Command To Stop Policing!!

Your Administration Is Not An Administration Of Responsible Government!!

Your Administration Is Not An Administration Of Accountability!!

What Your Administration Is Is A Joke, A Charade, And A Fantastic Farse!!

You May Be The Wealthiest Man In New York, Mayor Bloomberg, But You Do Not
Have A Clue As To What Is Really Going On Within This Zoo York City!!

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