Paynal © 2008
All Hail The BloomberGOD
(2009-05-24 at 16:07:35 )
Yes, I will soon be sixty five but I am not yet Senile or a Foolish and
Gullible Dreamer. As a matter of fact I tend to get insulted when it is
wrongly assumed that I am an Ignorant IDIOT!!
The Bloomberg for Mayor 2009 campaign committee has my home address and
my post office box address and they send their productions to me at both
places. Usually I laugh out loud before I start to get upset at the CRAP
that they wish me, or anyone else, to believe.
The latest glossy ad shows Mayor Magnificent Michael Bloomberg pictured
with numerous and various members of the New York City Police Department.
I live within New Brighton on Staten Island where the thugs and criminals
do just about anything that arises within their twisted minds and get away
with doing it. The Crack Cocaine dealer that I have been reporting to the
N.Y.P.D. for years just continues to wholesale Crack Cocaine to teenagers.
The police of the 120 Police Precinct are all very adept at giving excuses
as to why they are not able to do anything about anything unless there is
a body on the ground. There favorite is: The Police Department responded
to the Complaint and Determined that police action was not necessary.
That makes Mayor Magnificent Michael Bloomberg Very Very Happy because
his Touted Prime Directive is for his Police Department to keep the crime
statistics to an Absolute Minimum; which is just what is happening.
If you go to the Waldbaum Supermarket in Rosebank there are always some
" Gutter Gump Gangsters " trespassing and loitering and doing aggresive
panhandling by the door to the store. The big signs, and the calls to the
police by the store employees and the customers results in nothing at all
ever being done by the Mayor Magnificent Mike Bloomberg Police Department.
The Absolute Worst Cases Of Dereliction Of Any Kind Of Duty By The Police
On Staten Island Is Within The V.I.P.E.R Units manning the cameras within
Various Housing Developments And The Pseudo Police loafing within the St.
George Ferry Terminal where drugs, pills, and bootleg cigarettes are very
openly consumed and sold on the busway waiting areas.
If the N.Y.P.D. was really doing their job there would be 1000 tickets
issued every day just for the smoking of cigarettes where it is not ever
supposed to be happening.
What a Pitiful Joke The N.Y.P.D. Have Become While Being Run By The Mayor
Magnificent Michael Bloomberg!!
All Hail The BloomberGOD!!! ALL HAIL!! ALL HAIL!!
You Bethca!