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Washington Post Hypocrisy On Khashoggi And Kennedy By Jacob G. Hornberger!!
(2018-11-26 at 21:08:48 )
Washington Post Hypocrisy on Khashoggi and Kennedy by Jacob G. Hornberger
Ever since Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey, the Post has pressed hard to show that the murder was a state-sponsored assassination orchestrated by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
If only the Post had shown the same diligence, determination, and perseverance in the assassination of President Kennedy that it is displaying in the Khashoggi assassination.
Instead, like many other United States mainstream newspapers, the Post has long taken the same position on the Kennedy assassination that President Trump is taking with respect to the Khashoggi assassination: obtuse denial.
This was especially true during the tenure of the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s. You could not find a better example of journalistic indifference than what happened during that period of time. The following are just two examples of this phenomenon.
First, though, the background:
In 1991 Oliver Stone came out with his movie JFK, which posited that the assassination of President Kennedy was actually a highly sophisticated regime-change operation at the hands of the United States national security establishment, i.e., the military and the Central Intelligence Agency.
The mainstream press went after Mr. Stone with a vengeance.
Although they did not dispute the fact that the United States national-security establishment carried out assassinations and regime-change operations against foreign leaders, they were indignant and outraged over the suggestion that such an operation would be carried out against a United States president.
At the end of Mr. Stones movie was a blurb informing people that despite the passage of almost 30 years since the assassination, the national-security agencies were steadfastly continuing to keep their records relating to the President Kennedy assassination secret from the American people, most of whom had never accepted the official lone-nut theory of the assassination.
That blurb produced such outrage among the public that Congress was pressured into enacting the John F. Kennedy Records Act, which mandated that the national-security agencies disclose their long-secret records to the public.
But there was a major oddity about the law: While the ARRB was charged with enforcing the JFK Records Act, the law also prohibited it from investigating any aspect of the assassination.
That is a very bizarre provision.
If newly discovered evidence is discovered that incriminates the national-security establishment, why would Congress not want it investigated??
Did the Washington Post write any editorials questioning that particular provision?? Nope.
Unlike the Khashoggi assassination, about which the Washington Post has published multiple editorials and op-eds, the Post did not see fit to issue even a mild criticism of that no-investigation provision.
Did the ARRB come up with evidence that incriminated the national-security establishment??
You bet it did. The following are just a few examples.
-The two brain examinations
The military pathologists who conducted the autopsy on President Kennedys body claimed that there was only one examination of President Kennedys brain as part of the autopsy.
The general counsel for the ARRB, an attorney named Jeremy Gunn, and an ARRB staff member named Douglas Horne discovered, however, that that was a lie.
They discovered that were actually two brain examinations, the second which could not possibly have involved the presidents brain and instead was almost certainly a brain specimen that had been brought over from the Bethesda Medical School.
How did Gunn and Horne discover the military pathologists lie??
They did it by examining the testimony and the timelines of the two brain exams.
The first brain examination was held within a couple of days after the assassination. It was attended by the two military pathologists who were falsely claiming that there was only one brain examination, Navy Commanders James Humes and J. Thornton Boswell.
That first brain exam was also attended by the official autopsy photographer, John Stringer, who taught medical photography at the Bethesda Medical School.
Mr. Stringer told the ARRB that at that brain examination, which almost certainly involved President Kennedys brain, the pathologists "sectioned" the brain.
That meant that they cut it like one would cut a loaf of bread. That is standard procedure in gunshot wounds to the head, especially to examine the trajectory of the bullet. Once a brain is sectioned, there is no way to put it back together. It remains cut into slices.
The second brain examination was held about a week later. How do we know that??
Because the third military pathologist who conducted the autopsy, Army Lt. Col. Pierre Finck, told the ARRB that he attended that brain examination. Also attending that second brain exam were the two lying pathologists, Humes and Boswell.
Thus, Humes and Boswell participated in both brain exams, which they were falsely conflating into one brain exam.
Stringer told the ARRB that Finck was not at the brain examination. Finck told the ARRB that Stringer was not at the brain examination. That is how Gunn and Horne figured out that Mr. Humes and Mr. Boswell were lying when they claimed that there had been only one brain examination.
Here is something important about the second brain examination: The brain in that examination was fully intact.
That means that it had to be a brain specimen of someone other than President Kennedy because, again, a brain that has been sectioned cannot be put back together.
Here is something else to note about the second brain examination: The second brain weighed 150 grams more than an average persons brain, which would have been impossible if it were President Kennedys brain.
That is because the gunshot that hit President Kennedy in the head destroyed one-fourth to one-third of his brain.
Thus, there is no way that President Kennedys brain could have weighed more than an average persons brain after having lost so much brain mass from the gunshot.
That again confirms that the second brain could not possibly have been President Kennedys brain.
Yet, a photograph of that second brain is what is in the official autopsy record. The photograph of the second brain shows that the brain is damaged but without major loss of brain tissue. In other words, the militarys photograph of President Kennedys brain in the official autopsy record is bogus.
But here is the kicker: Remember that provision in the JFK Records Act, the one that the Washington Post did not see fit to criticize when the law was enacted.
It prohibited the ARRB from investigating any aspect of the President Kennedy assassination. It was a provision of the law that the board of commissioners of the ARRB strictly enforced on the staff, making it very clear that any staff member who was caught violating that restriction would be immediately fired.
Thus, after discovering that there were, in fact, two separate brain examinations, the second of which could not possibly have involved the presidents brain, Mr. Gunn and Mr. Horne were absolutely prohibited from investigating the matter.
Did the Washington Post investigate the issue??
After all, here was clear circumstantial evidence pointing in the direction of a fraudulent autopsy having been carried out on the body of the deceased president on the very day of the assassination.
Is that not something that any self-respecting investigative newspaper or journalist would relish checking into??
Like maybe just a telephone call to Mr. Humes and Mr. Boswell asking them to explain why Stringer and Finck were both claiming to be at the brain exam at completely different times and denying that the other was there.
And it is not like the Post was unaware of what Gunn and Horne had discovered.
Take a look at these two articles, both of which detail Gunns and Hornes discovery of the two brain examinations:
"Newly Released JFK Documents Raise Questions About Medical Evidence" by Deb Riechman, a writer for the Associated Press. It was published by the Post on November 9, 1998.
"Archive Photos Not of JFKs Brain, Concludes Aide to Review Board" by George Lardner, a Washington Post staff writer. It was published by the Post on November 10, 1998.
Did the Post follow up on these two articles by assigning an investigative reporter to investigate the matter??
Did it publish a slew of editorials and op-eds demanding that the military explain what was going on here, as it has with the Khashoggi assassination??
Did it publish critiques of the provision in the JFK Records Act that prohibited the ARRB from investigating the matter and request the United States Congress to amend the law to allow such an investigation??
No, no, and no!!
The Ms Saundra Spencer testimony
During its tenure in the 1990s, the ARRB summoned a woman named Ms Saundra Spencer to testify.
In November 1963, Ms Spencer was a United States Navy Petty Officer who was working in the United States Navys photography lab in Washington, D.C.
She had a top-secret security clearance and helped developed top-secret photographs. She worked closely with the White House. No one has ever questioned the integrity, veracity, or competence of Ms Saundra Spencer. It would be virtually impossible to find a more credible witness.
Ms Spencer told the ARRB an astounding story.
On the weekend of the assassination, she was asked to develop, on a top-secret, classified basis the militarys autopsy photographs for President Kennedy. Given that she had been led to believe that the matter was classified, Ms Spencer had kept her secret for some 30 years.
The ARRBs general counsel, Jeremy Gunn, showed her the official autopsy photographs in the JFK autopsy record.
Ms Spencer carefully examined them. She then told Mr. Gunn in direct and unequivocal terms that those official autopsy photographs were not the ones she developed on the weekend of the assassination.
The records she developed, she stated, showed a massive exit-sized wound in the lower back of President Kennedys head. The militarys official autopsy photographs show no such wound and show the back of President Kennedys head to be fully intact.
There is something important to note about Ms Spencers testimony: It matched what the treating physicians at Parkland Hospital in Dallas said immediately after the president was declared dead. It also matched what bystanders stated who were situated to the rear of the presidential limousine and who had been splattered with brain tissue. It also matched what two of the Parkland nurses stated. It also matched what Secret Service agent Clint Hill stated. It also matched the bone fragment from the lower rear of the presidents skull that was found the day after the assassination. It also matched what two Federal Bureau of Investigation agents said, one of whom told the ARRB that the official autopsy photographs appeared to be "doctored." It also matched what many of the official autopsy participants had secretly told the House Select Committee in the 1970s.
That could only mean one thing: The militarys autopsy photograph of the back of President Kennedys head was bogus, as bogus as the militarys autopsy brain photograph.
But keep in mind something important: Notwithstanding Ms Spencers sworn testimony, the ARRB was prohibited from investigating the matter because of the no-investigation provision that someone had slipped into the JFK Records Act.
Did Ms Spencers testimony motivate the Washington Post to launch a journalistic investigation into the Kennedy autopsy??
Did her testimony motive the Washington Post to call for a modification of the JFK Records Act to enable ARRB to investigate the matter??
No and no!!
You see, only national-security establishments of other countries carry out assassinations and regime-change operations against their own leaders.
In the eyes of the United States mainstream press, our national-security establishment would never do such a thing.
Therefore, there was and is no reason to investigate the manifest fraud in the President Kennedy autopsy that was carried out by the United States military on the very evening of assassination as well as the origin and purpose of that fraudulent scheme.
For more information, see:
" The Kennedy Autopsy" by Jacob Hornberger
"The JFK Assassination" (ongoing video series) by Jacob Hornberger
"Regime Change: The Kennedy Assassination by Jacob Hornberger"
"JFKs War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated" by Douglas Horne
"The CIA, Terrorism, and the Cold War: The Evil of the National Security State" by Jacob Hornberger
"CIA & JFK: The Secret Assassination Files link" by Jefferson Morley
"Altered History: Exposing Deceit and Deception in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence by Douglas Horne" (video)
Printed here with permission from Mr. Jacob G. Hornberger of The Future of Freedom Foundation!! Their Great Website!!