Paynal © 2008
Happy Fathers Day, Gentlemen!!
(2009-06-21 at 18:29:54 )
Sunday June 21, 2009 is Fathers Day in the United States of America. It
is Supposed to be a Day that is set aside to Honor our Dear Fathers.
However that is becoming an increasingly difficult problem in our country
due to the many divorces and the women that decide to bring a child into
this world without ever bothering to establish a bonding relationship
with their childs father or to ever being bothered to get married.
Lots of women want children but they do not want a husband or a marriage.
That is their decision! That is their right! That is their Priviledge!!
A child, however, is not a doll! It is a life that needs all kinds of
direction and, yes, discipline to grow into a Benefit to this society
instead of a Dire Menace To This Society!!
Here, in New York City, a person only has to go to any public school and
observe those chaotic institutions for just one hour to realize just how
much peril the future of this nation is currently in!!
Human Beings are the only species on this planet that cooks its food!
Human Beings are the only species on this planet that wears clothing!
Human Beings are the only species on this planet capable of destroying
All Life On This Planet!
Any healthy male can father a child but it takes Maturity and Manhood to
properly raise a child and such traits are not now found in most of the
men walking around in America today!!
What such a state of affairs eventually leads to is called Anarchy!!
It is a state of affairs where right and wrong do not exist.
Might will become the Right; and Meek shall become the Stepped On!!
Adults will be terrified of their very own children and those children
will be Greedy, Selfish, Godless, Shells of Humanity Without Direction or
Purpose. Ever Constant Gratification Being Their Sole Ambition!!
I Do Not Know About Your ForeFathers But I Expect That My ForeFathers
Are Spinning Within Their Graves At What This American Society Has
Evolved Into!!
Happy Fathers Day, Gentlmen!! Good Luck To You; Wherever You May Be!!