
"A Wake Up Call If There Ever Was One!" (2009-12-04 at 19:45:20 )

"Customer Service, Government Style" (2009-12-02 at 17:48:21 )

"Salaam to the Salahis by Becky Akers" (2009-11-30 at 17:37:13 )

"Justice Would Have Been Served!" (2009-11-27 at 01:35:33 )

"More Paynal Platinum People!!" (2009-11-23 at 18:12:43 )

"The Way That It Is In America!!" (2009-11-25 at 19:39:23 )

"Military DoubleSpeak by Laurence M. Vance" (2009-11-19 at 17:34:51 )

"Rabbit Hole by Don Cooper" (2009-11-15 at 17:39:46 )

"Fort Hood Mystery by Michael Gaddy" (2009-11-09 at 20:16:04 )

"It Is Not the People, It Is the Machine by Michael Gaddy" (2009-10-17 at 16:27:52 )

"Politics as a War Against Life! by Butler Shaffer" (2009-10-02 at 23:15:06 )

"Two Charley!! Two Damn Charley!!" (2009-10-02 at 15:39:40 )

"What A Great Day That Would Be!!" (2009-09-29 at 23:15:46 )

"Pure Chaos Is Coming Soon!" (2009-09-27 at 19:45:44 )

"The American Economy By Rokytnji" (2009-09-26 at 20:14:17 )