Paynal © 2008
One More Dead Palestinian Kid by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
(2025-01-29 at 05:44:33 )
One More Dead Palestinian Kid by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
Listen to a reading of this piece (reading by Tim Foley):
They killed a two year-old girl in the West Bank on Saturday. Laila al-Khatib was shot in the head by Israeli forces in Jenin, because I guess they needed one more dead Palestinian kid. One more dead Palestinian kid to add to the mountain..
They killed a two year-old girl in the West Bank on Saturday.
Laila al-Khatib was shot in the head by Israeli forces in Jenin, because I guess they needed one more dead Palestinian kid.
One more dead Palestinian kid to add to the mountain.
One more small Palestinian face raining down upon us in our nightmares like meteors on the dinosaurs in the prequel to this apocalypse.
One more screaming, blood-spattered mother.
One more grandfather with boulders for feet carrying the tiny shrouded form of someone who should have buried him.
It is one more dead Palestinian kid.
One more snowflake in the blizzard.
And yet here I sit, mouth agape,
a mortally wounded polar bear in my chest
and a cry of despair turning into a ghost and leaving me silent and slack-jawed like an imbecile.
I want to crawl into my childhood crib and fall asleep forever.
I want to turn into a crystal punch bowl and fall and shatter on a marble floor.
The air is full of flapping, and there is seaweed in my hair.
There is an angel with a mushroom cloud head in my doorway.
They killed a two year-old girl in the West Bank on Saturday, because I guess they needed another one.
I write her name on some paper and send it off into the wind,
and stride back into the suburban ghost town
with my body on fire.
Invading Israeli forces shot and killed two year old Laila al-Khatib in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin last night, with a bullet to the head.
She was her mothers only child. "please see here:" - The Cradle (TheCradleMedia) January 26, 2025
"This Ms Caitlin Johnstone article, its pictures, and its links are here:"
Thanks for reading!!
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