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Jordan And Egypt Snub Donald Trumps Ethnic Cleansing Plan by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
(2025-01-29 at 05:48:01 )
Jordan And Egypt Snub Donald Trumps Ethnic Cleansing Plan by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
It still remains to be seen if the Donald Trump administration will find a way to bribe or coerce either or both nations to comply with Trumps ethnic cleansing agenda, but the fact that they are not already on board means the empire still needs to jump through some significant hoops before this could happen.
Both Jordan and Egypt have put out statements rejecting President Trumps proposal to "clean out" Gaza and move its population to those nations.
"Our principles are clear, and Jordans steadfast position to uphold the Palestinians presence on their land remains unchanged and will never change," Jordans foreign minister Ayman Safadi told the press on Sunday.
Similarly, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry affirmed "Egypts continued support for the resilience of the Palestinian people on their land and their commitment to their legitimate rights in their homeland, in accordance with international law and international humanitarian law."
It still remains to be seen if the Trump administration will find a way to bribe or coerce either or both nations to comply with Trumps ethnic cleansing agenda, but the fact that they are not already on board means the empire still needs to jump through some significant hoops before this could happen.
In response to my write-up about Trumps plans to purge Gaza of Palestinians I have been getting a nice eclectic mix of American rightists telling me "Stop calling it ethnic cleansing, Trump is just trying to rescue those people from a destroyed Gaza!" and Israeli rightists going "Haha yes, Trump will help us ethnically cleanse the terrorists and their spawn."
Trump supporters are such shitbrained, knuckle-dragging bootlickers. They are all up in my social media replies going "Well what do you expect Trump to do? What other possible solution is there but to empty out the population of Gaza to neighboring Arab countries?"
And of course the obvious humanitarian solution is a heroic multinational push to rush massive amounts of aid to Gaza while rebuilding it at the expense of the states who destroyed it - but nope, they can not even entertain that possibility. Only possible solution is to bend over backwards to give Israel the exact thing it has desired from Gaza for many years, which will just coincidentally happen to delight Trumps Zionist megadonors.
Worthless human livestock. Trump supporters claim to oppose wars and despise the neocons, but are always consistently paced into supporting all the worst agendas of the nastiest swamp monsters in Washington,D.C. Trump supporters are George W Bush supporters LARPing as Ron Paul supporters.
Electronic Intifadas Ali Abunimah is free after days of imprisonment by Swiss authorities for expressing wrongthink about Israel.
When these things happen, it is important to ensure that we make it cost them more than it benefits them. Make sure it damages Zionist PR interests more than it protects those PR interests from damage. Use their iron-fisted authoritarian crackdowns to help show the world how much tyranny and abuse is necessary to uphold a status quo which has no basis in fact or morality.
If Israel and its western backers were standing on the side of truth and justice, they would not be persecuting journalists for sharing inconvenient ideas and information. Every time they do so it should be brightly spotlighted and loudly amplified, to draw attention to the very tyrannical power structure whose public image they are trying to protect.
Any time they forcefully silence efforts to draw attention to their tyranny, make sure it draws more attention to their tyranny. Any time they assault freedoms of assembly and the press to gain a yard, make sure it costs them ten. By doing this, at the very least we help change the cost-to-benefit analysis of our rulers when calculating whether such authoritarian measures are worthwhile, and at the most we harness their force and use it directly against them to weaken them in ways we never could without their help.
If you have been ignoring or defending Bidens genocidal criminality these last 15 months, then I do not really care what you have to say about Trump or Musk or any of their cohorts. Your criticisms might be 100 percent accurate, but they are not coming from a place of truth.
If you moved seamlessly from aggressively attacking Bidens abuses to aggressively attacking Trumps, then you have my attention, because I know your criticisms are coming from actual principles and not blind opposition to an opposing political faction. You are standing against tyranny instead of standing with one of Americas two tyrannical parties.
It should deeply disturb us that there is no difference in worldview between the political class and the media class.
Ever think about how weird and freakish that is?
Western pundits and reporters all have the exact same models for looking at the world as western politicians and government officials. They break down ideologically along exactly the same narrow "progressive-ish versus conservative-ish" spectrum of debate; they all agree on who the Good Guys and Bad Guys are on the world stage; they all subscribe to the same perspectives on how electoral politics work, how their government works, how the economy works and how power works. They do not agree on every issue, but they all share the exact same conceptual frameworks for understanding the world which form the basis of their agreements and disagreements.
This is one of the things that makes western propaganda so effective: the fact that there is no discrepancy at all between the way our governments describe the way the world works and the way all the most prominent journalists, analysts and pundits do.
They never make any mention of the fact that we are all being psychologically hammered with mass-scale propaganda every day to manipulate the way we think, speak, vote and work.
They ignore the fact that our elections are fake and everything we were taught in school about our government is a lie.
They deny the self-evident reality that the United States-centralized empire is by far the most murderous and tyrannical force on this planet and is the source of most of the worlds problems.
They all pretend capitalism is working fine and we will surely figure out how to consume our way out of our soaring injustices and looming ecological collapse any minute now.
They all completely redact from their worldview the inconvenient truth that we are ruled by sociopathic plutocrats who are driving us to our doom!!
The fact that government and political bodies omit from their perspective all the same information that pundits and reporters do means power never gets held to account by the press, because they are all viewing the actions of the powerful through the same fraudulent reality tunnel.
This creates giant dark spots on the field of information in which immense depravities can hide, thereby allowing a gravely disordered status quo to continue uncontested by the news-consuming public!
"This Ms Caitlin Johnstone article, its pictures, and its links are here:"
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Ah, the Buddha Ms Caitlin speaks the truth!!! - Cousin Lucky