
From William Ellery Channing

I call that mind free which protects itself against the usurpations of society, which does not cower to human opinions, which feels itself accountable to a higher tribunal than mans.

2019-04-24 at 16:27:17

From Ryan McMaken

Lawmakers, courts, and their accomplices have managed to define down who is a journalist in order to protect the government from embarrassment. Establishment journalists have been happy to play along, claiming special privileges for themselves while demanding those outside their circle of friends be sent to federal prison.

2019-04-20 at 15:21:58

From T. Coleman Andrews

I do not like the income tax. Every time we talk about these taxes we get around to the idea of "from each according to his capacity and to each according to his needs." That is socialism.
It is written in the Communist Manifesto. Maybe we ought to see that every person who gets a tax return receives a copy of the Communist Manifesto with it so he can see what is happening to him.

2019-04-19 at 14:56:52

From Gary D. Barnett

When truth telling is considered a crime against the state, when heroes like Julian Assange are not supported and protected by society at large, when journalists who speak truth to power are rounded up and imprisoned or killed due to exposing corruption, life in a free country has ceased to exist.

The common man and the powerful politician have one thing in common. Both are afraid of the truth, and seek to avoid it at all costs. It is only the thinking individual who dares to confront the truth, and spread it without fear.

2019-04-19 at 14:53:58

More From Ludwig von Mises

History has witnessed the failure of many endeavors to impose peace by war, cooperation by coercion, unanimity by slaughtering dissidents.... A lasting order cannot be established by bayonets.

2019-04-18 at 13:43:39

From Paul L. Poirot

An outstanding feature of the open market is the businessman, whose success or failure depends entirely on his ability to "focus on consumer needs" and so combine existing and potential factors of production to serve consumers most efficiently. The only constructive role government can play under the free market method of overcoming poverty is to see that the participation of individuals is strictly voluntary--that none is permitted to steal from or cheat or enslave another. In the free and open society, the organized force of government is to be used only if necessary to protect the lives and property of peaceful individuals. In other words, the proper function of government is to protect against robbery rather than practice it.

2019-04-17 at 12:52:44

From Ron Paul

Julian Assange is every bit as much a political prisoner as was Cardinal Mindszenty in Hungary or Nelson Mandela in South Africa.
They, and so many more, were imprisoned because they told the truth about their governments.
Repressive governments do not want their citizens to know that they are up to so they insist on controlling the media.

2019-04-16 at 15:30:50

From Chamfort

In their unshakeable determination to keep people in ignorance, theologians, together with their henchmen in government who are equally resolved to oppress them, make the gratuitous assumption that the great majority of people by reason of their purely mechanical, manual occupations are doomed to remain stupid. They imagine that artisans are incapable of reaching the level of understanding necessary to assert their rights as men and citizens. Would that not lead you to think that such a level of understanding is extremely complicated? Yet if only one quarter of the time now devoted to numbing their powers of thought had been used to enlighten them and instead of stuffing their heads with an absurd catechism of incomprehensible metaphysics, they had been taught the basic principles of mans rights and of the duties based on those rights, we would have been amazed to see how far they would have progressed along this path, which can be found in any decent elementary textbook. If, instead of preaching the doctrine of patience, suffering, abnegation and degradation, so helpful to usurpers, they had taught people how to recognize their rights and their duty to defend them, they would have recognized that nature, which has created man as a social animal, has supplied him with all the common sense required to form a society based on reason.

2019-04-15 at 14:49:00

From Caitlin Johnstone

The powerful are not entitled to a private space where they can abuse humans or resources. They do not get to commit crimes in secret just because they are rich or in government.
Journalism is the only way the everyday person has any window into what the powerful are doing to them, doing to their planet, doing with their tax money, and doing in their name.

2019-04-14 at 22:25:18

More From Cousin Lucky

One of the things I greatly admire about you Ms. Johnstone is that to you everyone is a human being worthy of respect!! I am a cynical 74 year old man and I am tired of trying to rationalize with people who abandon all logic, reason, and common sense!! My cousin calls them ” stuck on stupid ” because whatever is embedded in their heads is ” gospel ” and never ever to be challenged!! I do not believe that any human being can withstand constant torture every single day and night. If they get Mr. Assange to Gitmo in Cuba Ms Haskel will make him reveal everything she wants him to reveal!! Trump supporters would relish going after everyone in the Obama administration for anything big or small!! They would love it if Ms Clinton, Mr. Obama, and a host of others were all sent to jail!! Mr Assange will either be tortured into taking or killed to be kept from talking!! As this circus plays out the world will witness just how weak and afraid human beings actually are!!!

2019-04-13 at 20:31:35

From Nozomi Hayase

Should Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange who released truthful information about government corruption and illegal wars be condemned?? When did telling the truth become a crime??? The act of publishing information that is verified to be authentic in the public interest must not be punished. Exposing government war crimes, human rights violations and murder of civilians including journalists is not a crime. This is the very function of a free press, as a vanguard of our democracy.

2019-04-13 at 11:54:46

More From Cousin Lucky

Unfortunately, Mr. Assange will be transported to " Gitmo in Cuba " where the Central Intelligence Agency will torture him 24 hours a day-7 days a week!! Mr. Assange will be forced to reveal everything that the CIA wants to hear about!! Mr. Assange in on his way to be crucified!! I do not think it is right, nor do I think that it is legal; unfortunately my wayward government does whatever it wants to, anytime it wants to and it dares anyone to try and stop them!! We can hope and pray for Mr. Assange and we can remember him!! The Evil Empire Has Him Now; He Is Toast!!!

2019-04-13 at 20:33:14

More From Cousin Lucky

In The Deepest Pocket Of New York Organized Crime, Beneath All Of The Lint; You Will Find New York City Mayor Bill DiBlasio Obeying Every Single Order Given To Him!!!

2019-04-06 at 11:12:56

More From Cousin Lucky

It would be just great if President Trump unleashed his people into revealing and making public all of the misdeeds and laws violated by President Obama and his administration. The American people should know just how rotten to the core their government actually is!!!

2019-04-03 at 02:54:47

More From James Madison

Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people... [There is also an] inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and ... degeneracy of manners and of morals... No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare....

2019-04-02 at 15:24:49

As You Traverse This Life Please Try To Remember That There Are No Absolute Mistakes; There Are Only Errors In Your Perceived Judgement As To The Likely Outcomes Of Your Actions!!!