More From Cousin Lucky
Mr. Donald Trump is not an up and up guy; in fact he is quite crooked and deceitful. He is now the President of the United States of America which is not an up and up government; they were made for each other!!!
2019-03-29 at 21:49:09
From E. Smythe Gambrell
The great truths of humanity do not spring newborn to each new generation. They emerge from long experience. They are the gathered wisdom of the ages. They are renewed in times of conflict and danger. In this sense, the current challenge to our political institutions may prove to be a kind of blessing in disguise. If the times in which we are now living do not bring a further understanding of the great traditions of our civilization and a deeper desire to affirm them, we are not worthy of our heritage.
2019-03-29 at 12:46:55
More From Thomas Jefferson
Though written constitutions may be violated in moments of passion or delusion, yet they furnish a text to which those who are watchful may again rally and recall the people. They fix, too, for the people the principles of their political creed.
2019-03-28 at 13:49:26
From Howard Zinn
There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.
2019-03-15 at 03:46:27
More From Cousin Lucky
Unfortunately, all the average Unites States of American needs to entirely eliminate their ethics, morals, and sense of justice is " a dirty label " to put on other human beings to justify killing them!!
2019-03-14 at 16:08:46
From William Allen White
Put fear out of your heart. This nation will survive, this state will prosper, the orderly business of life will go forward if only men can speak in whatever way given them to utter what their hearts hold -- by voice, by posted card, by letter, or by press. Reason never has failed men. Only force and oppression have made the wrecks in the world.
2019-03-14 at 16:07:04
From M. Russell Ballard
It may not always be easy, convenient, or politically correct to stand for truth and right, but it is the right thing to do. Always.
2019-03-05 at 17:42:05
From Benjamin Franklin
This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties. A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God had given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins.
2019-03-01 at 16:14:52
From Harry Hoiles
With government controlling more and more of our economy, the fact that crooks have to go where the money is causes more and more of them to turn to government employment. However, there is probably an even stronger reason for individuals to become politicians.That is the power which accompanies political office. Many idealists think they know better than the ordinary person what is good for that person. They consider themselves a cut above the ordinary individual who just is not smart enough to know what he or she should do. Idealists seek government power to impose their ideas upon the rest of us. They may be personally honest insofar as not thinking of lining their own pockets with money but have little compunction about bolstering their egos with government power. This attitude explains the environmentalists, the do-gooders, and others whose ego causes them to seek government power to impose their ideas upon those of us who just want to make our way in a free market in open competition with everyone else. They do not believe in a free market or voluntary actions. They do believe in controlling others by means of government power.
2019-02-19 at 16:35:35
From David Kelley
A free society, by nature, is an individualist society. It leaves people free to pursue their own interests, through voluntary trade with others, and leaves them responsible for choosing their own course in life. A free society allows, encourages, and even depends on people who can define the values that give their lives meaning, and then pursue these values autonomously. It relies on people who are entrepreneurs in their own lives, who are capable of thinking for themselves, who have a sense of self-ownership, and the drive to make the most of themselves and their opportunities.
2019-02-14 at 18:56:58
From F. A. Harper
The terrific urge to prevent another person from making a "mistake" must be resisted if liberty is to be preserved. The "protective spirit" that leads a fond parent to prohibit his or her child from acquiring mature judgments, as he or she substitutes their own opinions for those of the child, leads the dictator to act as he does in "protecting" his political children.
2019-02-13 at 02:29:02
From Nathaniel Branden
In a world in which we are exposed to more information, more options, more philosophies, more perspectives than ever before in our history, in which we must choose the values by which we will live our life (rather than unquestioningly follow some tradition for no better reason than that our parents did), we need to be willing to stand on our own judgment and trust our own intelligence-to look at the world through our own eyes-to chart our life-course and think through how to achieve the future we want-to commit ourselves to continuous questioning and learning-to be, in a word, self-responsible.
2019-02-09 at 09:57:18
From Professor Eddie Glaude
"Racism is in the very fabric of this country and what it reveals is how deeply and profoundly... segregated this society is. Governor Northam represents something that is profoundly wrong with us - with the United States of America."
2019-02-09 at 09:56:08
From Ron Paul
Freedom means not only that our economic activity ought to be free and voluntary, but that government should stay out of our personal affairs as well. In fact, freedom and personal liberty are not divisible. How do you plan to exercise your right to free speech if you are not allowed the economic freedom to acquire the supplies necessary to disseminate your views? Likewise, how can we expect to enjoy privacy rights if our property rights are insecure?
2019-02-05 at 15:21:28
From Augustin Cochin
When the acts of a popular power attain a certain degree of arbitrariness and become oppressive, they are always presented as acts of self-defense and public safety.
2019-01-31 at 13:18:24