From Texas Congressman Ron Paul
Political Demagoguery Rules When Truth And Liberty Are Ignored.
We Are Supposed To Believe That Abusing Our Liberties Here At Home
And Pursuing Unconstitutional Wars Overseas Will Solve Our Problems.
2010-10-02 at 14:13:49
From Walter Lippmann
We must remember that in time of war what is said on the enemys side of
the front is always propaganda and what is said on our side of the front
is truth and righteousness, the cause of humanity and a crusade for peace.
Is It really Necessary For Us, At The Height Of Our Power, To Stoop To
Such Self-Deceiving Nonsense??
2010-09-29 at 15:20:27
From General Smedley D. Butler
I Spent 33 Years In The Marines. Most Of My Time Being A High-Class Muscle Man
For Big Business, For Wall Street And The Bankers.
In Short I Was A Racketeer For Capitalism!!!
2010-09-26 at 15:42:02
From Confucius
To See What Is Right And Not To Do It, Is Want Of Courage.
2010-09-20 at 18:51:55
From James Jackson
We Must Confine Ourselves To The Powers Described In The Constitution,
And The Moment We Pass It, We Take An Arbitrary Stride Towards A
Despotic Government.
2010-09-10 at 17:29:16
From William Elery Channing
I Call That Mind Free Which Protects Itself Against The Usurpations Of
Society, Which Does Not Cower To Human Opinions, Which Feels Itself
Accountable To A Higher Tribunal Than Mans.
2010-08-24 at 17:09:30
From Ernest Hemingway
Never Think That War, No Matter How Necessary, Nor How Justified,
Is Not A Crime!
2010-08-21 at 21:26:27
Yet More From George Orwell
If Liberty Means Anything At All, It Means The Right To Tell People
What They Do Not Want To Hear.
2010-08-18 at 07:42:53
From Ms Karen Kwiatkowski
One Of The Most Powerful Things That You Can Do As An American Patriot
Is To Laugh At And Ridicule Our Presumptuous And Lawless Government!
2010-08-01 at 21:58:46
Yet More Wisdom From Thomas Jefferson
Timid Men Prefer The Calm Of Despotism To The Boisterous Sea Of Liberty.
2010-07-21 at 17:56:12
And More From Chalmers Johnson
Wars and Imperialism are Siamese Twins Joined at the Hip.
Each Thrives Off The Other. They Cannot Be Separated.
2010-07-16 at 15:20:55
More Wisdom From Will Rogers
Somebody is always telling us in the paper how to prevent war. There is
only one way in the world to prevent war and that is for every nation to
tend to its own business. Trace any war and you will find some nation was
trying to tell some other nation how to run their business. All these
nations are interfering with some other nations personal affairs but with
an eye to business. Why do we not let the rest of the world act like
it wants to.
2010-07-06 at 16:49:02
More From Thomas Babington Macaulay
Either some Caesar or Napoleon will seize the reins of government with
a strong hand, or your Republic will be as fearfully plundered and laid
waste by Barbarians in the twentieth century as the Roman Empire was in
the fifth, with this difference, that the Huns and Vandals who ravaged
the Roman Empire came from without, and that your Huns and Vandals Will
Have Been Engendered Within Your Own Country By Your Own Institutions.
2010-06-29 at 12:08:58
More From james Madison
If Men Were Angels, No Government Would Be Necessary. If Angels Were To
Govern Men, Neither External Nor Internal Controls On Government Would
Be Necessary.
2010-06-17 at 14:00:56
Yet More From Thomas Paine
The Trade Of Governing Has Always Been Monopolized By The Most Ignorant
And The Most Rascally Individuals Of Mankind.
2010-06-15 at 19:25:13