From John Jay
It is too true, however disgraceful it may be to human nature, that nations in general will make war whenever they have a prospect of getting any thing by it; nay, absolute monarch will often make war when their nations are to get nothing by it, but for purposes and objects merely personal, such as a thirst for military glory, revenge for personal affronts, ambition, or private compacts to aggrandize or support their particular families or partisans. These and a variety of other motives, which affect only the mind of the sovereign, often lead him to engage in wars not sanctioned by justice or the voice and interests of his people.
2019-11-05 at 13:46:13
From Thomas Babington Macaulay
Either some Caesar or Napoleon will seize the reins of government with a strong hand, or your republic will be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth, with this difference, that the Huns and Vandals who ravaged the Roman Empire came from without, and that your Huns and Vandals will have been engendered within your own country by your own institutions.
2019-10-29 at 11:29:12
More From Cousin Lucky
Almost every sentence a paragraph of truthful logic and sledge hammer wisdom, Ms Johnstone! A glorious treasure to read and reprint. Not only is war the most evil act of humanity; war is just plain stupid. Unfortunately the average United States citizen does not want to see or hear about the evil ways of our government; they prefer to ignore the reality of the truth for the simplicity of delusion. When war comes directly to them and for them; they will still not understand that they brought it upon themselves.
2019-10-26 at 21:38:30
More From Cousin Lucky
President Donald Trumps mind, mouth, heart, and soul are all being controlled by the many hands of Israel up his ass making him do their evil bidding! Those United States troops in Syria will eventually be attacked and killed and Israel will get to watch the United States vs Russia nuclear war that will be over in less than a day. The end of days awaits our doomed planet.
2019-10-25 at 06:22:08
More From Cousin Lucky
The United States of America is as Phony and as useless as a three dollar bill. This is a nation full of phony people that constantly lie to themselves and constant lie to everybody else. This " delusional matrix " is mandatory for the survival of our lost souls. We, as a nation, can never handle the truth; because the truth is we are very very sick and very very evil! We murder millions of people and we call it democracy. White hats do not make us " the good guys "! As usual Ms Johnstone tells the truth.
2019-10-20 at 21:58:19
From Ms Caitlin Johnstone
It has been firmly established beyond any doubt that it is now literally impossible for any United States of American political figure to vocally oppose United States warmongering without being labeled a Russian agent.
All the faux humanitarian concerns we have heard from the political-media class about what is happening in Syria are completely invalidated by their total indifference to what is happening in Yemen.
It sure is interesting how you never, ever see bipartisan cries of humanitarian concerns across the entire United States political-media class unless it benefits the globe-spanning forever wars.
2019-10-20 at 21:36:41
From Tryon Edwards
He that resolves upon any great good and good end has, by that very resolution, scaled the chief barrier to it. He will find such resolution removing difficulties, searching out or making means, giving courage for despondency, and strength for weakness, and like the star to the wise men of old, ever guiding him nearer and nearer to perfection.
2019-10-15 at 16:33:17
From Ms Caitlin Johnstone
The leadership of our world should not belong to a class of highly mediocre people who have nothing noteworthy between their ears apart from a knack for accumulating dollars. The ability to amass wealth is not a valid basis upon which to determine who leads us. Our fate as a species should be in all our hands.
2019-10-02 at 22:12:36
From Phil Rockstroh
Although the intrinsic foulness of the United States did not arrive with Donald Trump. He is a reflection of the racist, genocidal, perpetually exploitative, money-lusting, humanity-loathing construction of the United States - a hideousness that has been in play since the origin of the sham republic. Donald Trump simply reveals what exists at the rotten root and makes visible the murderous spores carried on the insidious winds of United States empire.
2019-09-23 at 21:48:35
From Chris Hedges
Capitalists seek to maximize profits and reduce the cost of labor. This sums up capitalism at its core. It is defined by these immutable objectives. It is not about democracy. It is not, as has been claimed, about wealth creation for the working class. It has nothing to do with freedom. Those capitalists, especially in corporations, who are not able to increase profits and decrease the cost of labor, through layoffs, cutting wages, destroying unions, offshoring, outsourcing or automating jobs, are replaced. Personal ethics are irrelevant. Capitalists are about acquisition and exploitation.
2019-09-22 at 17:48:01
From Glen Ford
The United States-based corporations that have over the years become more Chinese than American have been put most at-risk by President Trumps bellicosity and tariffs. More fundamentally, United States corporations routinely mark foreign leaders for death that interfere with their trade, investment and labor policies. If United States corporations become convinced that President Trump is determined to pursue policies that will lock them out of the mega-economy that buys more cars, airplanes and agricultural products than any other, they will kill him and ride out the rest of his term with President Mike Pence, who will doubtless be told by God to reverse course.
2019-09-09 at 00:43:23
From Henry Hazlitt
The third tool of discipline or technique of dealing with the pain of problem-solving, which must continually be employed if our lives are to be healthy and our spirits are to grow, is dedication to the truth. Superficially, this should be obvious. For truth is reality. That which is false is unreal. The more clearly we see the reality of the world, the better equipped we are to deal with the world. The less clearly we see the reality of the world - the more our minds are befuddled by falsehood, misconceptions and illusions - the less able we will be to determine correct courses of action and make wise decisions. Our view of reality is like a map with which to negotiate the terrain of life. If the map is true and accurate, we will generally know where we are, and if we have decided where we want to go, we will generally know how to get there. If the map is false and inaccurate, we generally will be lost.
2019-09-06 at 14:26:29
From Ralph Waldo Emerson
Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than material force, that thoughts rule the world.
2019-08-27 at 12:26:16
And More From Cousin Lucky
"Money" is the devils magic wand! It drains your soul and turns you into an inhuman monster. Some rich people even give some of their money to worthy causes but their souls still remain bleak and void. They are so very lost!
2019-08-20 at 16:33:58
From Elizabeth Wright
Black leaders and white liberals have kept black United States of Americans so focused on superficial indications of racism, that we overlook the most pernicious and ruinous use of race, that is, as an economic weapon -- not just to deter ones employment in companies created by others, but to hamper the ability to create employment for oneself.
2019-08-20 at 16:32:48