
From Albert Einstein

"He who joyfully marches to music rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."

2022-11-06 at 00:44:37

From Ms Caitlin Johnstone

The truth is that those who claim capitalism, competition and greed are "human nature" are not actually telling you anything about human nature. They are telling you about their own nature!!

2022-11-06 at 00:43:34

Ah, the Buddha Ms Caitlin speaks the truth!!!

The word courage tends to evoke images of heroes and daring rescues, but in real life courageous people mostly use that attribute for confronting uncomfortable truths within themselves. - Ms Caitlin Johnstone

2022-09-01 at 00:22:24

From President Vladimir Putin!!

"The European Union has completely lost its political sovereignty, and its bureaucratic elites are dancing to someone elses tune, accepting whatever they are told from above, causing harm to their own population and their own economy... Such a detachment from reality, from the demands of society, will inevitably lead to a surge of populism and the growth of radical movements, to serious social and economic changes, to degradation, and in the near future, to a change of elites... It is a mistake to suggest that the times of turbulent changes can be waited out and that things will return to normal; that everything will be as it was. It will not... The Wests elites cling to the shadows of the past. They believe that the dominance of the West in global politics and economy is a constant, eternal value, but nothing is eternal." - Vladimir Putin, St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, June 17, 2022

2022-06-18 at 03:18:05

From Albert Jay Nock

There is no social engineering that can radically renovate a civilization and change its character, and at the same time keep it going, for civilization is an affair of the human spirit, and the direction of the human spirit cannot be reset by means that are, after all, mechanical. The best thing is to follow the order of nature, and let a moribund civilization simply rot away, and indulge what hope one can that it will be followed by one that is better. This is the course that nature will take with such a civilization anyway, in spite of anything we do or do not do. Revolts, revolutions, dictatorships, experiments and innovations in political practice, all merely mess up this process and make it a sadder and sorrier business than it need be. They are only so much machinery, and machinery will not express anything beyond the intentions and character of those who run it.

2022-06-03 at 04:24:16

From Ms Caitlin Johnstone

Washington DC is the hub of the imperial political machine, Virginia is the hub of the imperial war machine, California is the hub of the imperial propaganda machine!!

2022-04-10 at 04:05:03

From Alexander Tytler

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

2022-02-11 at 00:06:12

More From Cousin Lucky!

It is my belief that Presidents Xi and Putin , along with their military advisors, have already devised their plans to demolish NATO!!
United States troops in Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere will probably be attacked, causing President Biden to " get them out of harms way "!! Thus the leaders of NATO countries clearly see that they have targets on their backs by continuing to lick United States political boots!
No one wants to see their populations bombed for no legitimate reasons!
Germany, France, and Turkey drop out of NATO to ensure their own survival.
The United States, United Kingdom, Israel, and Australia find themselves alone in their quest to maintain ruling humanity on this planet.

2022-01-15 at 23:44:20

More From Cousin Lucky!!

If " the victims " were in charge of determining the " punishment " inflicted upon the criminals after they are found guilty; the " massive crime problem "would soon disappear!!!

2021-12-19 at 15:59:29

More From Cousin Lucky!

As a child it became apparent to me that " a charade " can not go on forever! Tough guys were not so tough. Even " gangs " were not as fearless as their " reputations " made them out to be!
President Joe Bidens charade will probably be brought down by an insignificant " gnat " on the world ( or even minor ) stage that refuses to " play the game " and forces the Biden administration to cower in a corner of shame and ineptitude!!
They brought out Joe Biden to get rid of Donald Trump but they may have doomed themselves in the process!! We have the most nuclear weapons but we are not " number one " in anything else no matter how much denial we swallow every day and night!!
Our country is a " ludicrous clown show " crumbling away with no heroes on the horizon to " save the day " and rescue us.

Empty supermarket shelves are no longer a temporary sight. Deranged nutcases seem to be everywhere. The politicians and the police are no longer on the same pages. " Civility " has left the building!
This situation is not going to have a happy ending!!

2021-10-27 at 00:59:49

From Walter Wink

Prohibition was a grand failure at resisting evil. It called so much attention to alcoholic beverages and engendered so much rebellion against legal constraints that when it was repealed, far more alcohol was being consumed than before prohibition went into effect. Now we are repeating the same folly by our "war" on narcotics, which simply makes it the "forbidden fruit," drives up the market price, turns it into a business far more lucrative than any alternative form of employment, leads to the recruitment of children as sellers, lookouts, and deliverers, prompts gang wars over turf and mindless murders and robberies to obtain cash to buy the coveted drugs.

2021-08-13 at 18:14:43

More From Cousin Lucky!!

Money, and the pursuit of money, is what " Capitalism " is all about! Enslaving people and making them work for nothing is capitalisms dream. Nothing matters except the money; " Capitalism " is the ideal life of completely " soul-less " human beings. There is no way to enlighten these people about their evil ways because they are completely addicted to Capitalism and money!!

2021-08-09 at 20:50:29

And More From Cousin Lucky!

Ah, the wisdom of the Buddha Ms Caitlin Johnstone speaks volumes again to her readers. Here in New York City money and profit have replaced god, morals, ethics, humility, and even love! The pursuit of money and the pursuit of " things " have pushed everything else aside. Capitalism insures that humanity follows the evil ways of Satan without any guilt or any remorse! Unfortunately, our entire society does not know how to function sanely anymore; we are just rapidly swirling down the toilet to hell!

2021-07-23 at 23:19:25

From Ms Caitlin Johnstone!

Political discussion forums are like a couple bickering about dishes in the sink while trapped in the bedroom of a burning house.

2021-07-19 at 00:40:31

Some More From Cousin Lucky!!

Our " owners and masters " intend to have " martial law " throughout the entire United States. They intend to promote chaos everywhere to reach that end. The goal is no more " constitution "; no more " congress "; no more " courts ": just total martial law where every " government agent " has the " power of Judge Dredd " to execute anyone that they please for anything that is not permitted!! There will be no questions asked and no review of anything!! You will obey or you will die-nice and simple!!!

2021-06-19 at 21:09:57

As You Traverse This Life Please Try To Remember That There Are No Absolute Mistakes; There Are Only Errors In Your Perceived Judgement As To The Likely Outcomes Of Your Actions!!!