
From John Start Mill

The Only Purpose For Which Power Can Be Rightfully Exercised Over Any
Member Of A Civilized Community, Against His Will, Is To Prevent Harm
To Others. His Own Good, Either Physical Or Moral, Is Not A
Sufficient Warrant.

2010-03-29 at 12:55:15

More Wisdom From Ludwig von Mises

There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about
by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should
come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit
expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency
system involved.

2010-03-26 at 19:54:05

From Lucius Annaeus Seneca

We Are Mad, Not Only Individually, But Nationally. We Check Manslaughter
And Isolated Murders; But What Of War And The Much Vaunted Crime Of
Slaughtering Whole Peoples?

2010-03-26 at 19:52:42

From Astolphe Louis Leonor

A Wealth of Unnecessary and Petty Regulations here Engenders a Whole
Army of Clerks, each of whom carries out his task with a degree of
Pedantry and Inflexibility, and a self-important air solely designed
to add significance to the Least Significant Employment. He refrains
from speaking, but you can see him thinking, more or less: Make Way
For Me; I Am A Cog In The Mighty Machine Of State.

2010-03-20 at 17:30:18

More from Thomas Paine

Government, Even In Its Best State, Is But A Necessary Evil;
In Its Worst State, An Intolerable One!

2010-03-10 at 13:35:01

From Wilton D. Alston

There is no scenario under which the government can spend money more
effectively than a truly-private enterprise and no scenario under which
the money spent by the government will not hurt those who it was supposed
to help, eventually, probably sooner rather than later. The fact that
such money is deficit-financed just makes bad matters worse. Occasionally,
as in the case of TARP, it is pretty clear at the outset that the money
is specifically intended to provide corporate welfare, and no one on
either side of the political aisle even pretends that they are trying to
help the common folk.
At least they were honest in their dishonesty that one time.

2010-03-08 at 21:56:33

From Rokytnji On Linux Forums

Tar, Feathers, Congress. Some Assembly Required.

2010-03-05 at 21:32:22

From Joe Bageant

Did You Hear The One About The United States Senator Who Married A Crack
Whore? Inside Of Six Weeks He Brought Her Down To His Level.

2010-03-04 at 18:45:09

From Joe Bageant

Obviously Barack Obama Has Wiped His Ass On His Campaign Promises.

2010-02-23 at 18:29:45

And More From Alexander Solzhenitsyn

A State Of War Only Serves As An Excuse For Domestic Tyranny.

2010-02-20 at 19:27:45

From M. Russell Ballard

It May Not Always Be Easy, Convenient, Or Politically Correct To Stand
For Truth And Right, But It Is The Right Thing To Do. Always!!!

2010-02-17 at 19:36:30

From Gene Healy

Left To Their Own Devices, Presidents Can Isolate Themselves In A
Cocoon Of Sycophants, Even Putting Protesters In -Free-Speech Zones,
Where Their Signs Can Not Offend The Liege. The Regal Atmosphere Of
The Office Shields Presidents From Necessary Feedback.

2010-02-16 at 17:29:28

And Yet More From Friedrich A. Hayek

What our generation Has Forgotten is that the System of Private Property
is the Most Important Guaranty Of Freedom, not only for those who own
property, but scarcely less for those who do not. It is Only because the
Control of the Means Of Production Is Divided Among Many People Acting
Independently That Nobody Has Complete Power Over Us, that We As
Individuals Can Decide What To Do With Ourselves. If All the Means Of
Production Were Vested In A Single Hand, Whether It Be Nominally That Of
Society as a Whole or That Of A Dictator, Whoever Exercises This Control
Has Complete Power Over Us.

2010-02-05 at 12:59:19

From L.C. Michelon

The Liberal Who Cries Out For Broad Welfare Measures And State Control
Lacks Inherent Faith In People And In Our Free Society. He Treats Them As
Though They Were Some Type Of Chronic Disease. As A Result His
Approach Has Been One Of Continuous Medication By The State.

2010-02-09 at 20:58:38

More From Lord Acton

The One Pervading Evil Of Democracy Is The Tyranny Of The Majority, Or
Rather Of That Party, Not Always The Majority, That Succeeds, By Force
Or Fraud, In Carrying Elections.

2010-01-26 at 20:10:24

As You Traverse This Life Please Try To Remember That There Are No Absolute Mistakes; There Are Only Errors In Your Perceived Judgement As To The Likely Outcomes Of Your Actions!!!