
One Peaceful World Dedication

Having come from, being within and going towards infinity,
May our endless dream be eternally realized upon this earth,
May our unconditional dedication perpetually serve for the
creation of life and peace,
May our heartfelt thankfulness be devoted universally upon
everyone, everything and every being. ---Michio Kushi

2009-01-04 at 12:14:15

From Lyndon B. Johnson

The Guns and the Bombs, the Rockets and the Warships, are ALL Symbols of Human Failure!

2008-12-27 at 15:36:25

From Henry David Thoreau

If a man loses pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears
a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however
measured, or far away.

2008-12-26 at 13:43:45

From H.L. Mencken

The Urge to Save Humanity is Almost Always only a False-Face for the Urge to Rule It.

2008-12-20 at 21:24:50

From Justice Louis Brandeis

In a government of law, the existence of the government will
be imperiled if it fails to observe the law Scrupulously.
Our Government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher.
For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by example.
Crime is contagious. If the Government becomes a lawbreaker,
it breeds contempt for the law: it invites every man to
become a law unto himself: It Invites Anarchy.

2008-12-07 at 06:45:44

From Ed Abbey

A Patriot Must Always be Ready to Defend His Country Against His Government!

2008-11-25 at 12:45:06

From Leo Tolstoy

The Greater the State, the more Wrong and Cruel its Patriotism, and the Greater is the Sum of Suffering upon which Its Power is Founded.

2008-11-08 at 12:25:11

From Oscar Wilde

In America the Young are always ready to give those who are older than themselves the Full Benefits of their Inexperience

2008-11-07 at 16:43:17

From Maya Angelou

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, But people will not forget how You Made Them Feel.

2008-11-02 at 21:47:34

From a sane Senator John McCain

War is Wretched Beyond Description, and only a Fool or a Fraud could sentimentalize Its Cruel Reality.

2008-11-01 at 12:11:30

From the Peace Pilgrim 1908 - 1981

Pure Love Is A Willingness To Give Without A Thought Of Receiving Anything In Return.

2008-10-27 at 19:37:05

From Stewart H. Holbrook

Almost everyone who has read history in a more than casual manner
knows that when the great figure of God appears in a controversy,
the shooting cannot be far off.

2008-10-26 at 21:04:43

From The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine

Those who rebel against the basic rules of the Universe sever
their own roots and ruin their true selves. Yin and Yang,
the two principles in nature, and the four seasons are the
beginning and the end of everything, and they are also
the cause of life and death. Those who disobey the laws of
the Universe will give rise to calamities and visitations,
while those who follow the laws of the Universe remain free
from dangerous illness, for they are the ones who have
obtained Tao, the Right Way.

2008-10-26 at 20:23:02

From Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

First They Criticize You, Then They Laugh At You, Then They Fight With You, Then You Win.

2008-10-25 at 15:07:13

From Mark Twain

Patriotism Is Supporting Your Country All The Time, And Your Government When It Deserves It.

2008-10-25 at 12:38:06

As You Traverse This Life Please Try To Remember That There Are No Absolute Mistakes; There Are Only Errors In Your Perceived Judgement As To The Likely Outcomes Of Your Actions!!!